Consecrated Flying Serpent

Consecrated Flying Serpent

HP: 10Energy: 2Weapon: Other WeaponsCard Type: Character Card

Remnant Squall: Consecrated Flying Serpent

A flying serpent that became twisted and warped by eating some great being. Now, it commands the fearsome winds.

Source: Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with the Consecrated Flying Serpent

Card Effects

Whirling Tail

Deals 2 Physical DMG.


Swirling Squall

Deal 3 Anemo DMG and draw 1 card.


Scattershot Vortex

Deals 2 Anemo DMG. Discard all Bonecruncher's Energy Block cards in your Hand. Double the DMG dealt once for every 2 cards you Discard.


Immortal Remnants: Anemo

(Passive) When battle begins, create 6 Bonecruncher's Energy Block and place them evenly into your deck.