Consecrated Scorpion

Consecrated Scorpion

HP: 10Energy: 2Weapon: Other WeaponsCard Type: Character Card

Remnant Venom: Consecrated Scorpion

A poisonous scorpion that became twisted and warped by eating some great being. It now commands perilous lightning.

Source: Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with the Consecrated Scorpion

Card Effects

Scorpion Strike

Deals 2 Physical DMG.


Stinging Spine

Deals 3 Electro DMG.
Create 1 Bonecruncher's Energy Block card and randomly place it within the top 2 cards of your deck.


Thunderbore Blast

Deals 3 Electro DMG. Discard up to 3 Bonecruncher's Energy Block cards from your Hand, and create 1 Thunderbore Trap on the opposing side of the field.


Immortal Remnants: Electro

(Passive) When the Round ends, create 2 Bonecruncher's Energy Block cards and randomly place them within the top 10 cards of your deck.