




Votive Incense
Votive Incense
Basic ATK
Single Target

Deals Fire DMG equal to 0.5% of Lingsha's ATK to a single target enemy.

Smoke and Splendor
Smoke and Splendor

Deals Fire DMG equal to 0.4% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies and at the same time, restores HP equal to 10% of Lingsha's ATK plus 105 for all allies. Fuyuan's action advances by 0.2%.

Dripping Mistscape
Dripping Mistscape

Inflicts "Befog" on all enemies. While in "Befog," targets receive 0.15% increased Break DMG, lasting for 2 turn(s). Deals Fire DMG equal to 0.9% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies, and at the same time restores HP equal to 8% of Lingsha's ATK plus 90 for all allies. Fuyuan's action advances by 1%.

Mistdance Manifest
Mistdance Manifest

When using Skill, summons Fuyuan, with an initial SPD of 90 and an initial action count of 3. When taking action, Fuyuan launches follow-up attack, dealing Fire DMG equal to 0.38% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies. Additionally deals Fire DMG equal to 0.38% of Lingsha's ATK to a single random enemy, and this DMG prioritizes targets that have both Toughness greater than 0 and Fire Weakness. Dispels 1 debuff(s) from all allies and restores HP equal to 8% of Lingsha's ATK plus 90. Fuyuan's action count can accumulate up to 5. When the action count reaches 0 or when Lingsha is knocked down, Fuyuan disappears. While Fuyuan is on the field, using Skill can increase Fuyuan's action count by 3.

Wisps of Aurora
Wisps of Aurora

After using Technique, immediately summons Fuyuan at the start of the next battle and inflicts "Befog" on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s).



Bloom on Vileward Bouquet
Bloom on Vileward Bouquet

Lingsha's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 50%. When an enemy unit's Weakness is Broken, reduces their DEF by 20%.

Leisure in Carmine Smokeveil
Leisure in Carmine Smokeveil

When using Ultimate, increases all allies' Break Effect by 40%, lasting for 3 turn(s).

Shine of Floral Wick
Shine of Floral Wick

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.

Redolence from Canopied Banquet
Redolence from Canopied Banquet

When Fuyuan takes action, restores HP equal to 40% of Lingsha's ATK for the ally whose current HP is the lowest.

Poise Atop Twists and Turns
Poise Atop Twists and Turns

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.

Arcadia Under Deep Seclusion
Arcadia Under Deep Seclusion

While Fuyuan is on the field, reduces all enemies' All-Type RES by 20%. When Fuyuan attacks, additionally deals 4 instance(s) of DMG, with each instance dealing both Fire DMG equal to 50% of Lingsha's ATK and a Toughness Reduction of 5 to a single random enemy. This prioritizes targets with both Toughness greater than 0 and Fire Weakness.