Trailblazer Remembrance


Deals Ice DMG equal to 0.5% of Trailblazer's ATK to one designated enemy.

Summons the memosprite Mem. If Mem is already on the field, restores Mem's HP by an amount equal to 0.3% of Mem's Max HP, and grants Mem 0.1% Charge.

Summons memosprite Mem. Grants Mem 0.4% Charge, then makes Mem deal Ice DMG equal to 1.2% of Mem's ATK to all enemies.

Memosprite Mem has an initial SPD of 130 and a Max HP equal to 0.5% of Trailblazer's Max HP plus 400. For every 10 Energy regenerated by all allies in total, Mem gains 1% Charge.

After using Technique, creates a Special Dimension that lasts for 10 second(s). Enemies within the Special Dimension are placed in a Time Stop state, halting all their actions. After entering battle against enemies afflicted with the Time Stop state, delays the action of all enemies by 0.5%, and then deals Ice DMG to all enemies equal to 1% of Trailblazer's ATK. Only 1 Dimension Effect created by allies can exist at the same time.


Increases the CRIT Rate of ally targets with "Mem's Support" by

When ally memosprites (aside from Mem) take action, Trailblazer regenerates

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.

When an ally target with 0 Max Energy actively uses an ability, Mem can also gain

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.

Ultimate's CRIT Rate is set at