
Vortex Vanquisher
Cost: 3Cost Type: Matching ElementCard Type: Equipment CardMatching Element: 3
Golden Majesty: Vortex Vanquisher
Folklore spoke of a vast shadow entrenched in the depths of the ocean capable of swallowing passing warships...\nAt tale's end, they believe that Rex Lapis once wielded a spear that pierced the rainbow, pinning the churning vortex that had once terrorized the oceans in the center of the deep sea.
Card Effects
The character deals +1 DMG.
When your active character is protected by a Shield Character Status or a Shield Combat Status, you deal +1 DMG.
After the character uses an Elemental Skill: If you have a Combat Status that grants a Shield on your side, add 1 Shield point to that Combat Status. (Once per Round)
(Only Polearm Characters can equip this. A character can equip a maximum of 1 Weapon)