Wellspring of War-Lust

Wellspring of War-Lust

Cost: 3Cost Type: CryoCard Type: Equipment CardCryo: 3Energy: 2

Eula: Wellspring of War-Lust

Flood of frost will ensure that vengeance is mine.

Source: Reward for inviting Eula to a duel at The Cat's Tail and achieving all corresponding challenge objectives

Card Effects

Combat Action: When your active character is Eula, equip this card.
After Eula equips this card, immediately use Glacial Illumination once.
When your Eula, who has this card equipped, uses Icetide Vortex, this will generate 1 more Zeal stack for Lightfall Sword.
(You must have Eula in your deck to add this card to your deck.)