Fu Xuan
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Fu Xuan Best Teams
Fu Xuan F2P Team 1
A strong F2P team led by Fu Xuan providing great defense and buffs for Dan Heng.
Fu Xuan Preservation Team 2
This team is capable of balancing offense and defense effectively using Fu Xuan.
Fu Xuan Quantum Team
A Quantum-based team leveraging Fu Xuan's buffs to enhance the effectiveness of Quantum characters.
Deals Quantum DMG equal to 0.25% of Fu Xuan's Max HP to a single enemy.
Activates Matrix of Prescience, via which Fu Xuan's teammates will Distribute 0.65% of the DMG they receive (before this DMG is mitigated by any Shields) to Fu Xuan for 3 turn(s). While affected by Matrix of Prescience, all ally targets gain the Knowledge effect, which increases their respective Max HP by 3% of Fu Xuan's Max HP, and increases CRIT Rate by 6%. When Fu Xuan is knocked down, the Matrix of Prescience will be dispelled.
Deals Quantum DMG equal to 0.6% of Fu Xuan's Max HP to all enemies and obtains 1 trigger count for the HP Restore effect granted by Fu Xuan's Talent.
While Fu Xuan is still active in battle, Misfortune Avoidance is applied to the entire team. With Misfortune Avoidance, allies take 10% less DMG. When Fu Xuan's current HP percentage falls to 0.5% of her Max HP or less, HP Restore will be triggered for Fu Xuan, restoring her HP by 0.8% of the amount of HP she is currently missing. This effect cannot be triggered if she receives a killing blow. This effect has 1 trigger count by default and can hold up to a maximum of 2 trigger counts.
After the Technique is used, all team members receive a Barrier, lasting for 20 seconds. This Barrier can block all enemy attacks, and the team will not enter battle when attacked. Entering battle while the Barrier is active will have Fu Xuan automatically activate Matrix of Prescience at the start of the battle, lasting for 2 turn(s).
The Knowledge effect increases CRIT DMG by
If any ally target is struck by a killing blow while "Matrix of Prescience" is active, then all ally targets who were struck by a killing blow during this action will not be knocked down, and
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.
When other allies under Matrix of Prescience are attacked, Fu Xuan regenerates
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.
Once Matrix of Prescience is activated, it will keep a tally of the total HP lost by all team members in the current battle. The DMG dealt by Fu Xuan's Ultimate will increase by