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Sampo DoT Team
This Sampo F2P team revolves around dealing DMG through DoT effects. Serval and Asta can apply Shock and Burn status effects while Sampo can amplify the damage taken from these effects.
Sampo DoT Synergy Team
Sampo's Ultimate provides significant synergy with characters that have DoTs in their kits, particularly working well with Kafka.
Deals Wind DMG equal to 0.5% of Sampo's ATK to a single enemy.
Deals Wind DMG equal to 0.28% of Sampo's ATK to a single enemy, and further deals DMG for 4 extra time(s), with each time dealing Wind DMG equal to 0.28% of Sampo's ATK to a random enemy.
Deals Wind DMG equal to 0.96% of Sampo's ATK to all enemies, with a 1% base chance to increase the targets' DoT taken by 0.2% for 2 turn(s).
Sampo's attacks have a 0.65% base chance to inflict Wind Shear for 3 turn(s). Enemies inflicted with Wind Shear will take Wind DoT equal to 0.2% of Sampo's ATK at the beginning of each turn. Wind Shear can stack up to 5 time(s).
After Sampo uses his Technique, enemies in a set area are afflicted with Blind for 10 second(s). Blinded enemies cannot detect ally targets. When initiating combat against a Blinded enemy, there is a 1% fixed chance to delay all enemies' action by 0.25%.
When using Skill, deals DMG for
Defeating an enemy afflicted with Wind Shear has a
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.
When Skill hits an enemy with
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.
Talent's Wind Shear DMG multiplier increases by