Section 1

[Luofu Realm-Keeping Commission: Emergency Management Center] Attention! You may have received a fraudulent message from an impersonator or a counterfeiter's account. Your account is at risk of fraud and has been temporarily frozen. The corresponding amount has been returned to your account. We strongly advise against disclosing any personal information or initiating financial transfers in response to such messages. If you have any inquiries or need to report a case, please contact our staff at the Realm-Keeping Commission.
[Luofu Realm-Keeping Commission: Emergency Management Center] Attention! The Realm-Keeping Commission is dedicated to preventing fraud and ensuring your safety. Please be cautious when receiving messages from unfamiliar sources. Avoid accessing suspicious links, and always verify with the intended individual before making any financial transfers. If you have fallen victim to a scam, please remain calm and promptly report the incident to our office.

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Message 1Message 2