
Лучшее Руководство по Команде для Коллеи в Genshin Impact


Improved overview: Collei Team Overview: This page offers comprehensive information on the best team strategies for Collei, a versatile DPS character in Genshin Impact. Whether you're looking for an SS tier team or an A tier team, this page provides the necessary insights to build and utilize Collei to her full potential. Collei is a powerful DPS character with multiple team options that can be tailored to your preferred playstyle. From the Catalyze team that focuses on elemental reactions to the Bloom team that emphasizes elemental skill damage, you have plenty of choices to choose from. You can also consider the Spread, Aggravate, Burgeon, and Hyperbloom teams, each with its unique gameplay mechanics. Feel free to explore these options and find the team that suits your playstyle and character build best. Remember to optimize your team's DPS output by selecting the appropriate reactions, skills, and abilities to complement Collei's strengths. With the right team composition, you can take your Collei gameplay to the next level and achieve success in any situation.

Dendro Hyperbloom Dream Team (Тир S)

This team is a powerhouse with Kokomi, Raiden Shogun, Collei, and the Traveler (Dendro) as the main DPS, sub DPS, and off-field support, respectively. The team focuses on triggering Hyperbloom, Electro-Charged, and Dendro Cores to maximize damage output. Kokomi's Elemental Burst DMG is triggered by Max HP%, while Raiden Shogun's Electro DMG activates the Electro-Charged reaction. Collei's Dendro DMG is boosted by Hyperbloom, and the Traveler's Dendro DMG creates Dendro Cores to trigger Hyperbloom. This team is a force to be reckoned with in Genshin Impact!




Билд Кокоми Поддержка

Моллюск морских красок
Моллюск морских красок
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч Healing Bonus
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / Energy Recharge / HP / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Kokomi is the Main DPS of the team and wields the power of Dendro. Her Elemental Burst DMG is boosted by Max HP%, and she uses her Elemental Skill and Normal Attack to create Dendro Cores that trigger Hyperbloom. She is a crucial part of the team's offense and defense, making her a valuable asset in any situation.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Коллеи Вспомогательный DPS

Воспоминания дремучего леса
Воспоминания дремучего леса
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Collei is the Sub DPS of the team and provides Dendro DMG off-field. Her Dendro DMG is maximized by Hyperbloom, and she uses her Elemental Skill and Normal Attack to create Dendro Cores that trigger Hyperbloom. She is a key player in the team's offense and defense, making her a valuable asset in any situation.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Райдэн Вспомогательный DPS

Позолоченные сны
Позолоченные сны
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun is the Sub DPS of the team and wields the power of Electro. Her Elemental Skill activates the Electro-Charged reaction and Dendro Cores are triggered to activate Hyperbloom. She is a crucial part of the team's offense and defense, making her a valuable asset in any situation.
Вспомогательный DPS
Путешественник (Дендро)

Путешественник (Дендро)


Билд Путешественник (Дендро) Вспомогательный DPS

Воспоминания дремучего леса
Воспоминания дремучего леса
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Energy Recharge
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
The Traveler (Dendro) is the off-field support of the team and provides Dendro DMG. Her Dendro DMG creates Dendro Cores that trigger Hyperbloom. She is a crucial part of the team's offense and defense, making her a valuable asset in any situation.

Dendro Catalysts (Тир S)

Experience the power of Dendro with this team of catalysts. Our main DPS, Tighnari, unleashes a flurry of Dendro attacks with the help of Collei, who catalyzes the reactions between Dendro and Thunder. Yae, our Sub DPS, provides continuous Electro attachment to trigger Catalyzing. Collei maximizes Dendro DMG off-field with Catalyzing, while Zhongli's shield ensures a safe environment for the team. With the Deepwood Memories Set, Zhongli decreases enemies' Dendro RES even when off-field, making us an unstoppable force!

Основной DPS



Билд Тигнари Основной DPS

Позолоченные сны
Позолоченные сны
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Tighnari is the main DPS in this team, wielding the power of Dendro attacks with his catalytic abilities. His Dendro DMG is maximized with Catalyzing, triggered by the reactions between Dendro and Thunder elements from Tighnari and Collei. Yae, our Sub DPS, provides continuous Electro attachment to trigger Catalyzing and keep the Dendro DMG flowing!
Вспомогательный DPS
Яэ Мико

Яэ Мико


Билд Яэ Мико Вспомогательный DPS

Громогласный рёв ярости
Громогласный рёв ярости
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Electro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Yae is a Sub DPS in this team, providing Electro attachment through her Yae attack and Elemental Skill. Her attacks trigger Catalyzing, which maximizes the Dendro DMG of Tighnari. With her Elemental Skill, Yae keeps the Dendro DMG flowing and ensures that the team's catalytic abilities are always on point!
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Коллеи Вспомогательный DPS

Позолоченные сны
Позолоченные сны
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Collei is a DPS in this team, providing DMG off-field with Catalyzing. Her Dendro DMG is maximized with Catalyzing, which triggers the reactions between Dendro and Thunder elements from Tighnari and Yae. With Collei's support, the team's catalytic abilities are always on fire!
Вспомогательный DPS
Чжун Ли

Чжун Ли


Билд Чжун Ли Вспомогательный DPS

Воспоминания дремучего леса
Воспоминания дремучего леса
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli is a supportive character in this team, providing a shield that ensures a safe environment for the team. With the Deepwood Memories Set, Zhongli decreases enemies' Dendro RES even when off-field, making him a valuable addition to the team. Zhongli's shield keeps the team safe, and his Elemental DMG increases the team's catalytic abilities, making them an unstoppable force!

The Collei Catalyze Team (Тир S)

The Collei Catalyze Team is a DPS team that utilizes the elemental burst of the traveler (Dendro) to maximize the DMG of Collei. The team's strategy involves using Collei's catalyst to enhance the Dendro DMG, while also utilizing the elemental resonance effect for more efficient team coordination.

Основной DPS
Кэ Цин

Кэ Цин


Билд Кэ Цин Основной DPS

Громогласный рёв ярости
Громогласный рёв ярости
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK% / Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Electro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Elemental Mastery / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Keqing is a main DPS in the team and is known for her multi-stage attacks. She works together with Fischl to trigger the elemental resonance effect, which allows for a faster use of the traveler's (Dendro) elemental burst. Keqing's C3 will have a significant upgrade when triggered by Fischl's Elemental Skill, enhancing the team's overall damage output.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Фишль Вспомогательный DPS

Громогласный рёв ярости
Громогласный рёв ярости
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Electro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Fischl is a Sub DPS in the team and provides continuous Electro attachment for the team to trigger Catalyze. Her C6 upgrade will significantly enhance the team's damage output, making her a crucial member of the team. Fischl also has the ability to provide Electro-Charged reactions with her Elemental Skill, which can further increase the team's damage output.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Коллеи Вспомогательный DPS

Позолоченные сны
Позолоченные сны
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Collei is a Sub DPS in the team and is known for her powerful Dendro DMG. She works with Keqing and Fischl to trigger Catalyze, which enhances her Dendro DMG. Her C5 upgrade will significantly enhance her DMG output, making her a crucial member of the team.
Вспомогательный DPS
Чжун Ли

Чжун Ли


Билд Чжун Ли Вспомогательный DPS

Воспоминания дремучего леса
Воспоминания дремучего леса
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli is a Support DPS in the team and provides a safe environment for team members through his shield. He also has the ability to decrease enemies' Dendro RES with the use of the Deepwood Memories Set, even when he is off-field. Zhongli's C2 upgrade will significantly enhance his team's overall damage output, making him a crucial member of the team.

Pyro-Dendro Burning Team (Тир A)

A team focused on applying DOT to enemies through Pyro and Dendro elements. Collei is a Sub DPS in the team, providing DMG off-field and triggering Burning along with Tighnari, Xiangling, and Bennett.

Основной DPS



Билд Тигнари Основной DPS

Позолоченные сны
Позолоченные сны
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Tighnari is the main DPS in the team. The Pyro element of Tighnari, Collei, and Xiangling reacts with Dendro element from Xiangling and Bennett to trigger Burning, which applies DOT on enemies. Tighnari provides high DMG output and swirl to the team, making him a great main DPS in this build
Вспомогательный DPS
Сян Лин

Сян Лин


Билд Сян Лин Вспомогательный DPS

Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK% / Energy Recharge
  • Кубок Pyro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Xiangling's Elemental Burst provides a huge amount of DMG and continuous Pyro element attachment for Tighnari and Collei. Xiangling's Burst also provides a huge amount of Pyro element for the team, making it easy for Tighnari and Collei to trigger Burning and apply DOT on enemies
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Коллеи Вспомогательный DPS

Позолоченные сны
Позолоченные сны
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Dendro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Collei provides DMG off-field and reacts with Pyro element from Xiangling and Bennet to trigger Burning, which applies DOT on enemies. Collei's Pyro element also provides a boost in DMG output for the team, making her a great support for Tighnari and Xiangling
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Беннет Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Bennett's Elemental Burst provides a huge ATK buff and healing to other members. Bennett's Burst also provides a huge amount of Pyro element for the team, making it easy for Tighnari, Collei, and Xiangling to trigger Burning and apply DOT on enemies