Шэнь Хэ

Лучшее Руководство по Команде для Шэнь Хэ в Genshin Impact


Improved overview: Shenhe Team Overview: This Page provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on Shenhe's best team. Shenhe is a versatile Support character who can be played in a variety of situations. Whether you prefer to run a Permafrost, Superconduct, or Melt team, this page will help you build and optimize Shenhe's team to your liking. From SS tier to S tier, Shenhe's best team can be customized to suit your playstyle and character build. Explore the different team compositions and find the perfect combination for you!

Shenhe Permafrost Team #1 (Тир S)

This team is built around the support of Shenhe, who provides an ATK bonus to Ayaka and reduces Cryo RES of enemies. With Ayaka's Elemental Burst, which is a powerful Pyro DMG attack, and her Cyro DMG reacting with Hydro attachment from Kokomi, the team triggers the Freezing reaction, effectively immobilizing enemies. Kazuha assists the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates, and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies. Kokomi serves as the Support/Healer for the team, with her Elemental Skill's attacks triggering Hydro every two seconds and dealing constant DMG to enemies, making the team's freeze more effective for most of the fight time.

Основной DPS



Билд Аяка Основной DPS

Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ayaka is a Pyro DPS in the team. She deals DMG with her Elemental Burst and her Cyro DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Kokomi to trigger Freezing. This allows the team to immobilize enemies and reduce their damage output.
Вспомогательный DPS
Шэнь Хэ

Шэнь Хэ


Билд Шэнь Хэ Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч ATK%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Shenhe is a Support in the team. She provides an ATK bonus to Ayaka and reduces Cryo RES of enemies, allowing Ayaka to deal more damage and Kokomi to trigger more Hydro reactions, making the team's freeze more effective.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Кадзуха Вспомогательный DPS

Изумрудная тень
Изумрудная тень
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Kazuha is an Electro DPS in the team. She assists the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates, and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies, making the team more efficient and effective in battle.



Билд Кокоми Поддержка

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч Healing Bonus
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / Energy Recharge / HP / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Kokomi is a Support/Healer in the team. She deals constant DMG to enemies with her Elemental Skill's attacks and triggers Hydro every two seconds, allowing the team to continuously freeze enemies and reduce their damage output.

Shenhe Permafrost Team #2 (Тир S)

Shenhe is a Support in the team. Ganyu and Shenhe’s Cryo DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Kokomi to trigger Freezing. Ganyu deals DMG by her Elemental Burst, and her Cyro DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Kokomi to trigger Freezing. Shenhe provides ATK Bonus to Ganyu and reduces Cryo RES of enemies. Venti’s Elemental Burst can group enemies together and apply crowd control, and he can help spread Hydro attachment from Kokomi to enemies nearby. Kokomi is the Support/Healer in the team. The Elemental Skill’s attacks trigger Hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4). This makes Shenhe and Ganyu can constantly freeze the enemy in most of the fight time. The team composition is designed to provide a powerful and sustainable freeze effect for the enemy, making it an ideal team for players looking for a challenging team fight or a long-term strategy to take down tough opponents.

Вспомогательный DPS
Гань Юй

Гань Юй


Билд Гань Юй Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ganyu deals DMG by her Elemental Burst, and her Cyro DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Kokomi to trigger Freezing. Ganyu is a Pyro Support and her Elemental Burst, 'Chasing Vortex', can create vortices that can follow enemies and deal DMG to them. Her Pyro DMG can also trigger the Freeze effect from Hydro attachment from Kokomi, which can slow down and immobilize enemies. Ganyu's Cyro DMG can also be used to trigger the Freeze effect from Hydro attachment, which can be useful in fight against enemies with high Elemental RES
Вспомогательный DPS
Шэнь Хэ

Шэнь Хэ


Билд Шэнь Хэ Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч ATK%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Shenhe provides ATK Bonus to Ganyu and reduces Cryo RES of enemies. Shenhe is a Pyro Support and her Elemental Skill, 'Soul of the Dragon', can provide a temporary ATK Bonus to herself and her nearby allies, making them deal more DMG. She can also use her Elemental Skill to release a wave of flames that can reduce the Cryo RES of enemies, making them more vulnerable to DMG from Ganyu and other Cryo characters
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Венти Вспомогательный DPS

Изумрудная тень
Изумрудная тень
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Venti’s Elemental Burst can group enemies together and apply crowd control, and he can help spread Hydro attachment from Kokomi to enemies nearby. Venti is an Anemo Support and his Elemental Burst, 'Storm Call', can create a tornado that can group enemies together and apply crowd control. He can also use his Elemental Burst to spread Hydro attachment from Kokomi to enemies nearby, which can be useful for triggering the Freeze effect. Venti's Anemo DMG can also be used to trigger the Freeze effect from Hydro attachment, which can be useful in fights against enemies with high Elemental RES



Билд Кокоми Поддержка

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч Healing Bonus
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / Energy Recharge / HP / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Kokomi is the Support/Healer in the team. The Elemental Skill’s attacks trigger Hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4).Kokomi is a Hydro Support and her Elemental Skill, 'Hydro Balloon', can create a hydro balloon that can trigger Hydro attacks every two seconds. Each attack triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4), which can help the team stay active for longer. Kokomi can also use her Elemental Skill to heal herself and her allies, making them more durable in battle. Her Hydro DMG can also be used to trigger the Freeze effect from Cryo attachment, which can be useful in fights against enemies with high Elemental RES

Melt Mastery Squad (Тир S)

Experience the power of elemental reactions with our Melt Mastery Squad. Ganyu and Shenhe's Cryo DMG is amplified by melting, while Xiangling and Bennett provide support and healing to keep the squad going strong.

Основной DPS
Гань Юй

Гань Юй


Билд Гань Юй Основной DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ganyu is a Pyro DPS in the team. Ganyu's Elemental Burst deals high DMG and reacts with Pyro attachment from Xiangling to trigger Melting, maximizing the team's Cryo DMG from Shenhe and Ganyu.
Вспомогательный DPS
Шэнь Хэ

Шэнь Хэ


Билд Шэнь Хэ Вспомогательный DPS

Конец гладиатора
Конец гладиатора
Воспоминания Симэнавы
Воспоминания Симэнавы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч ATK%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Shenhe is a Support in the team. She provides an ATK bonus to Ganyu and reduces the Cryo RES of enemies, making them more vulnerable to the squad's attacks.
Вспомогательный DPS
Сян Лин

Сян Лин


Билд Сян Лин Вспомогательный DPS

Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Pyro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Xiangling is a Pyro DPS in the team. Xiangling's Elemental Burst provides a large amount of DMG and attaches Pyro elements to Ganyu and Shenhe, triggering the squad's Melting reaction and amplifying their Cryo DMG.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Беннет Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Bennett is a Support in the team. He provides an ATK buff and healing to other squad members, ensuring they stay strong and focused on the fight.

Shenhe Superconduct Squad (Тир S)

This team focuses on maximizing Shenhe's Elemental Burst, which is supported by Raiden Shogun's Electro attachment and DMG bonus from their Elemental Skill and Tenacity of the Millelith set. Ganyu is aided by Shenhe's ATK boost and Cryo RES reduction, while Zhongli provides a protective shield and increases the team's overall ATK with Tenacity of the Millelith.

Основной DPS



Билд Эола Основной DPS

Бледный огонь
Бледный огонь
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Physical DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Eula's Elemental Burst is the core of this team, which is maximized under the effect of Superconduct, DMG Bonus from Raiden Shogun's Elemental Skill and Set Bonus of Tenacity of the Millelith from Zhongli. Eula also has DMG Bonus from Raiden Shogun's Electro attachment, which is triggered by Superconduct. This allows for a strong burst of DMG from Eula's Elemental Burst. In addition, Eula's elemental burst can delete enemies, providing a powerful crowd control ability
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Райдэн Вспомогательный DPS

Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Energy Recharge / ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun is the Sub DPS/Support in the team. Raiden Shogun provides Electro attachment for triggering Superconduct in order to maximize Elemental Burst DMG of Eula. Raiden Shogun also deals DMG on field when Eula is in cooldown. Additionally, Raiden Shogun can boost Energy Recharge of their teammates by using Elemental Burst, and increase DMG of teammates’ Elemental Burst by using Elemental Skill. Raiden Shogun also has a powerful Electro Swirl ability which can deal AoE DMG and provide Electro attachment for triggering Superconduct
Вспомогательный DPS
Шэнь Хэ

Шэнь Хэ


Билд Шэнь Хэ Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч ATK%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Shenhe provides ATK Bonus to Ganyu and reduces Cryo RES of enemies. Shenhe also has a powerful Pyro Superconduct ability which can trigger Electro reactions with Raiden Shogun's Electro attachment, maximizing the Elemental Burst DMG of Eula. Shenhe's Pyro Superconduct can also trigger a Hyperbloom reaction which deals an AoE DMG and provides a powerful crowd control ability
Вспомогательный DPS
Чжун Ли

Чжун Ли


Билд Чжун Ли Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge / DEF%
Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for team members, and increases ATK of the whole team by using the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith. Zhongli also has a powerful Geo Shield ability which can block incoming DMG and provide a powerful crowd control ability. Zhongli's Geo Shield can also trigger a Burgeon reaction which deals AoE DMG and increases the ATK of the team for a short period of time.

Icy Reaction Team (Тир A)

This team composition focuses on utilizing the powerful reactions between Pyro, Hydro, and Cryo elements to deal high damage to enemies. The main support character in the team is Shenhe, who provides ATK boosts to teammates and reduces the Cryo RES of enemies. Ayaka, another support character, deals damage with her Elemental Burst and triggers the Freezing reaction with her Cryo DMG and Barbara's Hydro attachment. Sucrose, a Dendro support, can assist the team by grouping enemies, applying crowd control, providing DMG buffs, and reducing Elemental RES of enemies. Finally, Barbara, a Hydro support, can heal teammates and attach the Hydro element to enemies, triggering the Freezing reaction with Ayaka's Cryo DMG and Barbara's Hydro attachment.

Основной DPS



Билд Аяка Основной DPS

Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ayaka is a support character in the team who deals damage with her Elemental Burst and reacts with Hydro attachment from Barbara to trigger the Freezing reaction. Ayaka's Cryo DMG reacts with Barbara's Hydro attachment to freeze enemies, making it easier for the team to deal damage and control the battlefield. Ayaka's support abilities, such as her Elemental Skill and abilities, provide assistance to the team throughout the fight.
Вспомогательный DPS
Шэнь Хэ

Шэнь Хэ


Билд Шэнь Хэ Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч ATK%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Shenhe is a support character in the team who provides ATK boosts to teammates and reduces the Cryo RES of enemies. Shenhe's support abilities, such as her Elemental Skill and abilities, provide assistance to the team throughout the fight. Shenhe's role in the team is to keep the team alive and deal damage to enemies, making it easier for the team to take out their opponents.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Сахароза Вспомогательный DPS

Изумрудная тень
Изумрудная тень
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is a Dendro support character in the team who can assist the team by grouping enemies, applying crowd control, providing DMG buffs, and reducing Elemental RES of enemies. Sucrose's support abilities, such as her Elemental Skill and abilities, provide assistance to the team throughout the fight. Sucrose's role in the team is to keep the team alive and deal damage to enemies, making it easier for the team to take out their opponents.



Билд Барбара Поддержка

Моллюск морских красок
Моллюск морских красок
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч Healing Bonus
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / Energy Recharge / HP / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Barbara is a Hydro support character in the team who can heal teammates and attach the Hydro element to enemies, triggering the Freezing reaction with Ayaka's Cryo DMG and Barbara's Hydro attachment. Barbara's support abilities, such as her Elemental Skill and abilities, provide assistance to the team throughout the fight. Barbara's role in the team is to keep the team alive and deal damage to enemies, making it easier for the team to take out their opponents.