
Лучшее Руководство по Команде для Тома в Genshin Impact


Here's an improved overview of the characters: * Chiori: This page provides the best Chiori team information available. Chiori is a DPS in most situations. From SS tier to A tier, the best team for Chiori can be formed in Geo teams. You can choose your own best team according to your build and character. * Neuvillette: This page provides the best Neuvillette team information available. Neuvillette is a DPS, and the best Neuvillette build will be used in most situations. You can also swap the position of Neuvillette and Ayato to make your own best team. From SS tier to S tier, Neuvillette's best team can be formed in different ways, including Vapourize, Permafrost, and Melt teams. You can choose your own best team according to your build and character. * Furina: This page provides the best Furina team information available. Furina is a Sub DPS in most situations. You can also swap the position of Furina and Yelan to make your own best team. From SS tier to S tier, Furina'

Thoma Burgeon Team (Тир S)

Thoma is the shield-bearer and support in this team, while Ayato and Yelan deal damage with their Pyro and Hydro elements respectively. Thoma's Elemental Burst triggers Burgeon when Ayato's Normal Attacks deal AoE Pyro DMG and activate the Dendro Cores. Nahida, the main DPS, deals Dendro DMG with her Elemental Skill and connects up to 8 enemies, triggering elemental reactions. Her Elemental Burst is buffed by the presence of two Hydro and one Pyro characters in the team, increasing its duration. Thoma's shield also provides a safe space for the team members to attack and trigger Burgeon, while at C6, the shield's DMG dealt by Ayato's Normal Attacks is increased by 15%.

Основной DPS



Билд Аято Основной DPS

Отголоски подношения
Отголоски подношения
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato is the main DPS in this team and deals Pyro DMG with his Normal Attacks. When Ayato's Normal Attacks deal AoE Pyro DMG and activate Dendro Cores, Thoma's Elemental Burst triggers Burgeon, dealing extra Pyro DMG to the active character and activating the cores to trigger Burgeon.
Вспомогательный DPS
Е Лань

Е Лань


Билд Е Лань Вспомогательный DPS

Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Yelan is the sub-DPS in this team and provides continuous Hydro attack off-field. Her Hydro attacks react with Dendro element from Nahida to trigger Blooming, which produces Dendro Cores. Yelan's Elemental Burst can trigger Spread and Aggravate, dealing extra Pyro DMG to enemies.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Нахида Вспомогательный DPS

Воспоминания дремучего леса
Воспоминания дремучего леса
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Elemental Mastery / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Nahida is the main DPS in this team and deals Dendro DMG with her Elemental Skill, connecting up to 8 enemies and triggering elemental reactions. Her Elemental Burst can trigger Spread, Aggravate, and Burgeon, increasing the duration of her Elemental Burst when there are two Hydro and one Pyro characters in the team. At C6, the DMG dealt by Ayato's Normal Attacks is increased by 15%.
Вспомогательный DPS


Констелляция 6+

Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Цветок потерянного рая
Цветок потерянного рая
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Energy Recharge
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery / HP%
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery / HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery / HP%
Thoma's shield provides a safe space for the team members to attack and trigger Burgeon. Thoma's Elemental Burst triggers Burgeon when Ayato's Normal Attacks deal AoE Pyro DMG and activate Dendro Cores. When the shield is obtained or refreshed at C6, Ayato's Normal Attacks deal an extra 15% DMG.

Nature's Spectacle #1 (Тир A)

Nature's Spectacle is a team composed of Thoma, Nahida, Xingqiu, and Yelan. Thoma serves as the support, using his Pyro element to activate Dendro cores produced by Blooming. Nahida, a Dendro character, deals DMG with her Elemental Skill and triggers Blooming, while Xingqiu and Yelan provide Hydro element off-field to support Blooming. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for the team, and his Elemental Burst triggers Burgeon, dealing extra Pyro DMG to active characters during attacks. With C6, Thoma's shield increases the DMG dealt by Nahida's Normal Attacks by 15%.

Основной DPS



Билд Нахида Основной DPS

Воспоминания дремучего леса
Воспоминания дремучего леса
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Elemental Mastery / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Nahida is the main DPS of the team, dealing DMG with her Elemental Skill that connects up to 8 enemies at maximum and deals Dendro DMG while triggering elemental reactions. With Xingqiu and Yelan providing Hydro element off-field, Blooming can be triggered to produce Dendro cores. After switching to Bennett, who has high Elemental Mastery, Nahida's Pyro skills activate the Dendro cores, triggering Burgeon. The duration of her Elemental Burst and the DMG of Tri-Karma Purification are increased due to the presence of two Hydro characters and one Pyro character in the team. As the main DPS, Nahida's Normal Attacks deal extra Pyro DMG when attacking, which is the trigger for Burgeon. With C6, the DMG dealt by Nahida's Normal Attacks is increased by 15% when her shield is obtained or refreshed. This provides a safe environment for the team while increasing the damage output of the team's main DPS.
Вспомогательный DPS
Син Цю

Син Цю


Билд Син Цю Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Xingqiu's Elemental Burst provides Hydro element to enemies, allowing it to react with the Dendro element from Nahida and trigger Blooming, which produces Dendro cores. Xingqiu's presence in the team provides a continuous source of Hydro element, allowing Blooming to be triggered more frequently. The pyro element of Thoma activates the Dendro cores, triggering Burgeon, which deals extra Pyro DMG to active characters during attacks.
Вспомогательный DPS
Е Лань

Е Лань


Билд Е Лань Вспомогательный DPS

Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Yelan serves as the sub-DPS of the team, dealing continuous Hydro attacks off-field. Yelan's Hydro element reacts with Dendro element from Nahida, triggering Blooming, which produces Dendro cores. As the sub-DPS, Yelan's attacks provide a constant source of Hydro element, allowing Blooming to be triggered more frequently. Thoma's Pyro element activates the Dendro cores, triggering Burgeon, which deals extra Pyro DMG to active characters during attacks.
Вспомогательный DPS


Констелляция 6+

Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Цветок потерянного рая
Цветок потерянного рая
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Energy Recharge
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery / HP%
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery / HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery / HP%
Thoma is the support of the team, providing a safe environment for team members with his shield. Thoma's Pyro element activates the Dendro cores, triggering Burgeon, which deals extra Pyro DMG to active characters during attacks. With C6, Thoma's shield deals 15% more DMG to enemies when Nahida's Normal Attacks hit. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for the team, allowing them to focus on dealing damage without worrying about taking damage from enemies.

Thoma Vaporize Team #1 (Тир S)

Thoma is the support member of this team, and he excels at maximizing his elemental skill and burst with maximum HP stacks. This helps to enhance Hu Tao's survivability, making her an even more deadly DPS with amplified damage from the vaporization reactions. Xingqiu's hydro element burst continuously attaches to enemies, allowing Hu Tao's pyro damage to trigger the vaporization reaction. Kazuha's abilities help group enemies together, apply crowd control, boost team damage, and reduce enemies' elemental resistance. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for team members, ensuring they stay protected and focused on the task at hand. This team is a formidable force to be reckoned with in Genshin Impact.

Основной DPS
Ху Тао

Ху Тао


Билд Ху Тао Основной DPS

Горящая алая ведьма
Горящая алая ведьма
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP% / Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Pyro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Elemental Mastery / ATK%
Hu Tao is the main DPS of the team, and her damage is amplified by the vaporization reaction. With her powerful attacks and high mobility, Hu Tao is a force to be reckoned with in battle. She can quickly and efficiently clear out mobs and take down tough enemies with ease. Her elemental burst is also an excellent crowd control tool, enabling her to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from overwhelming the rest of the team. Hu Tao's pyro element is also capable of melting enemies, making her a versatile and effective DPS in any situation.
Вспомогательный DPS
Син Цю

Син Цю


Билд Син Цю Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Xingqiu is the hydro support member of the team, and his elemental burst continuously applies the hydro element to enemies. This allows him to react with Hu Tao's pyro DMG, triggering the vaporization reaction and dealing massive damage to enemies. Xingqiu is also a skilled healer, able to keep team members alive and healthy with his hydro abilities. His elemental burst is also an excellent crowd control tool, enabling him to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from overwhelming the rest of the team. Xingqiu's hydro element is also capable of freezing enemies, making him a versatile and effective support member in any situation.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Кадзуха Вспомогательный DPS

Изумрудная тень
Изумрудная тень
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Kazuha is the anemo support member of the team, and she excels at grouping enemies together and applying crowd control. Her elemental burst is also an excellent damage boost, enabling her to increase the team's output and deal massive damage to enemies. Kazuha is also able to reduce enemies' elemental resistance, making them more vulnerable to damage from the rest of the team. Her anemo element is also capable of swirling enemies, making her a versatile and effective support member in any situation. With her excellent abilities and powerful attacks, Kazuha is a valuable member of this team.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Thoma is the pyro support member of the team, and his shield provides a safe environment for team members. He is also skilled at maximizing his elemental skill and burst with maximum HP stacks, which enhances Hu Tao's survivability and allows her to deal even more damage. Thoma's elemental burst is also an excellent crowd control tool, enabling him to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from overwhelming the rest of the team. His pyro element is also capable of melting enemies, making him a versatile and effective support member in any situation.

Thoma's Vaporization and Melt Team (Тир A)

Thoma serves as the support in this team, maximizing his elemental skill and burst with high max HP. This allows Hu Tao, the main DPS, to deal increased damage and survive longer. Xingqiu's hydro elemental burst can attach enemies, allowing for a reaction with Yoimiya's pyro damage to trigger vaporization. Chongyun's cryo elemental skill lowers the cooldown of his burst, providing safe cyro damage at the backstage. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for the team to operate in.

Основной DPS
Ху Тао

Ху Тао


Билд Ху Тао Основной DPS

Горящая алая ведьма
Горящая алая ведьма
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP% / Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Pyro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Elemental Mastery / ATK%
Hu Tao, the main DPS, has her pyro damage amplified by the vaporization in this team, allowing her to deal increased damage to enemies.
Вспомогательный DPS
Син Цю

Син Цю


Билд Син Цю Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Сердце глубин
Сердце глубин
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Xingqiu's hydro elemental burst attaches enemies, allowing for a reaction with Yoimiya's pyro damage to trigger vaporization, amplifying the damage dealt by Hu Tao.
Вспомогательный DPS
Чун Юнь

Чун Юнь


Билд Чун Юнь Вспомогательный DPS

Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Chongyun's cryo elemental skill lowers the cooldown of his burst, providing safe cyro damage at the backstage, and allowing Thoma's shield to protect the team.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for the team to operate in, allowing them to focus on dealing damage and surviving longer.

Pyro-Hydro-Electro Team (Тир A)

This team is focused on utilizing Pyro, Hydro, and Electro elements for maximum damage output and crowd control. Our support character, Thoma, uses his Elemental Skill and Burst to maximize our survivability, while our main DPS, Hu Tao, amplifies her damage with the vaporization reaction. Xingqiu's Hydro element can attach to enemies, allowing for a strong Pyro-Hydro reaction with Hu Tao's damage, and Bennett's burst provides healing and ATK buff to other team members. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for everyone to work together effectively.

Основной DPS
Ху Тао

Ху Тао


Билд Ху Тао Основной DPS

Горящая алая ведьма
Горящая алая ведьма
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP% / Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Pyro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Elemental Mastery / ATK%
Hu Tao is the main DPS of this team, her Pyro damage is amplified by the vaporization reaction, making her a formidable force in battle. She is also a good support character with her Pyro elemental skill, which can control Pyro reactions and provide a significant amount of damage output. Her Pyro elemental burst is also a great crowd control tool that can stun enemies and clear large groups of enemies quickly.
Вспомогательный DPS
Син Цю

Син Цю


Билд Син Цю Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Сердце глубин
Сердце глубин
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Xingqiu is a support character who specializes in Hydro element. His Elemental Burst can attach the Hydro element to enemies, allowing for a strong Pyro-Hydro reaction with Hu Tao's damage. Xingqiu's Hydro element can also provide a lot of crowd control, making it easy to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from attacking the team. He can also provide healing to other team members with his Hydro elemental skill, which can be especially useful during fights.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Беннет Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Bennett is a support character who specializes in Electro element. His Elemental Burst can provide huge ATK buff and healing to other team members, making them more effective in battle. Bennett's Electro elemental skill can also provide crowd control and healing, making it easy to keep enemies at bay and prevent them from attacking the team. He can also provide a lot of support during fights with his Electro elemental burst, which can be especially useful during boss fights.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Thoma is the Support character of this team, his Elemental Skill and Burst are used to maximize the survivability of the team. His Pyro elemental skill can control Pyro reactions and provide significant damage output. Thoma's shield can also provide a safe environment for other team members to work together effectively, making it easy to keep everyone alive during fights.

Thoma Superconduct Team #1 (Тир Thoma is the Support in the team. Thoma’s Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst is maximized by Stacking Max HP and this help to Maximize the team’s survivability.)

A powerful team composition that maximizes Eula's Elemental Burst damage under the effect of Superconduct, DMG Bonus from Raiden Shogun's Elemental Skill, and Set Bonus of Tenacity of the Millelith from Zhongli. The team also has a Sub DPS/Support in Raiden Shogun, who deals DMG on field when Eula is in cooldown and boosts Energy Recharge of their teammates. Rosaria acts as a batter of Eula, reducing Physical Resistance of enemies and maximizing Elemental Burst damage. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for team members.

Основной DPS



Билд Эола Основной DPS

Бледный огонь
Бледный огонь
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Physical DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Eula is the core of this team and her Elemental Burst is maximized under the effect of Superconduct, DMG Bonus from Raiden Shogun's Elemental Skill and Set Bonus of Tenacity of the Millelith from Zhongli. Eula's Elemental Burst is the main source of damage for the team and her attacks can trigger Superconduct, which increases DMG output even further. Raiden Shogun provides Electro attachment for triggering Superconduct and deals DMG on field when Eula is in cooldown. Raiden Shogun can also boost Energy Recharge of their teammates and increase DMG of teammates' Elemental Burst by using their Elemental Skill.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Райдэн Вспомогательный DPS

Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Эмблема рассечённой судьбы
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок ATK%
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun is the Sub DPS/Support in the team and provides Electro attachment for triggering Superconduct, which increases the damage of Eula's Elemental Burst. Raiden Shogun also deals DMG on field when Eula is in cooldown and can boost Energy Recharge of their teammates by using their Elemental Burst. Raiden Shogun can also increase DMG of teammates' Elemental Burst by using their Elemental Skill, which further enhances the team's damage output.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Розария Вспомогательный DPS

Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Rosaria mainly deals DMG by her Elemental Burst in this build and acts as a batter of Eula. Rosaria(C6) reduces Physical Resistance of enemies, which maximizes the damage output of Eula's Elemental Burst. Rosaria's Elemental Burst is a powerful source of damage for the team and her attacks can trigger Superconduct, which increases DMG output even further. Rosaria's Elemental Burst is also a powerful tool for crowd control and can be used to keep enemies in check.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for team members and can be used to protect them from enemy attacks. Thoma can also provide a healing effect to teammates by using their Elemental Burst. Thoma's Elemental Burst is a powerful tool for dealing damage and can be used to take out enemies quickly. Thoma's Elemental Burst is also a powerful tool for crowd control and can be used to keep enemies in check.

Thoma Superconduct Team #2 (Тир Thoma is the Support in the team. Thoma’s Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst is maximized by Stacking Max HP and this help to Maximize the team’s survivability.)

A team that specializes in harnessing the power of Superconduct to maximize the damage output of Pyro and Electro elements. The team features Eula, Fischl, Chongyun, and Thoma, each with unique abilities and synergies that work together to create a powerful and effective team composition.

Основной DPS



Билд Эола Основной DPS

Бледный огонь
Бледный огонь
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Physical DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Eula is the core of this team, and her Elemental Burst is the main source of damage. When under the effect of Superconduct and the Set Bonus of Tenacity from Zhongli, Eula's Elemental Burst deals increased damage and provides a chance to trigger Superconduct, which in turn increases the damage output of the entire team.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Фишль Вспомогательный DPS

Громогласный рёв ярости
Громогласный рёв ярости
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Electro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Fischl is a versatile character who can provide continuous Electro DMG even at backstage. Her Elemental Skill works well with the Cryo-infused Attacks of Eula to trigger Superconduct, providing additional damage and setting up the elements for the team.
Вспомогательный DPS
Чун Юнь

Чун Юнь


Билд Чун Юнь Вспомогательный DPS

Заблудший в метели
Заблудший в метели
Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Cryo DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Chongyun is a powerful melee character whose Elemental Skill (requires C2) lowers the cooldown of Eula's Elemental Burst. In addition, Chongyun provides Cryo DMG at backstage, further increasing the team's damage output.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Thoma is a support character who provides a safe environment for the team with his shield. He also has a variety of abilities that can support the team, including healing and buffs.

Thoma Vaporize Team #3 (Тир Thoma is the Support in the team. Thoma’s Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst is maximized by Stacking Max HP and this help Hu Tao to Maximize her survivability.)

This team composition is based on the Pyro element and focuses on Vaporization reactions. The main DPS is Yanfei, whose DMG is amplified by the Vaporization in this team. Xingqiu's Elemental Burst can attach Hydro element to enemies continuously, and so react with Yanfei's Pyro DMG to trigger Vaporization. Sucrose provides Elemental Mastery bonus to team members, as a result the DMG of Vaporization is increased. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for team members to fight in. This team is perfect for players who want to deal high DMG and have a strong support system to keep the fight going. Players should consider using characters with high Vaporization damage, such as Mona or Cinnamon Roll, to maximize the team's potential. Additionally, using characters like Xingqiu, Beidou, or Qiqi who can provide additional Pyro damage through their abilities would be beneficial. Lastly, Thoma's shield can be used to protect the team from incoming damage and provide a safe space to set up reactions. Overall, this team composition is well-balanced and can be effective in a variety of situations. With the right characters and strategies, players can achieve high damage and success in Genshin Impact.

Основной DPS
Янь Фэй

Янь Фэй


Билд Янь Фэй Основной DPS

Странствующий ансамбль
Странствующий ансамбль
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Pyro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Thoma is a Geo support character who provides a shield to protect the team from incoming damage. In this team composition, Thoma's shield can be used to protect the team from incoming damage and provide a safe space to set up reactions. Additionally, Thoma's Pyro element can be used to trigger the Vaporization reaction with other Pyro elements on the team, such as Xingqiu's Elemental Burst and Yanfei's Pyro DMG. As a result, Thoma's Pyro element can greatly enhance the team's damage output. Players should consider using Thoma in this team composition to provide a strong support system and increase the team's overall damage output. Thoma's shield can also be used to protect the team from incoming damage and provide a safe space to set up reactions. Overall, Thoma is a valuable member of this team composition and can greatly enhance the team's overall effectiveness. With the right characters and strategies, players can achieve high damage and success in Genshin Impact.
Вспомогательный DPS
Син Цю

Син Цю


Билд Син Цю Вспомогательный DPS

Церемония древней знати
Церемония древней знати
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески ATK%
  • Кубок Hydro DMG
  • Обруч CRIT DMG
Второстепенные Характеристики:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Xingqiu is a Hydro support character who provides an Elemental Burst that can attach the Hydro element to enemies continuously. In this team composition, Xingqiu's Elemental Burst can be used to attach the Hydro element to enemies, which can then react with Yanfei's Pyro DMG to trigger the Vaporization reaction. As a result, Xingqiu's Elemental Burst can greatly enhance the team's damage output and provide a strong support system. Players should consider using Xingqiu in this team composition to provide a strong support system and increase the team's overall damage output. Xingqiu's Elemental Burst can also be used to apply the Hydro element to enemies, which can then react with Yanfei's Pyro DMG to trigger the Vaporization reaction. This can greatly enhance the team's damage output and provide a strong support system. Overall, Xingqiu is a valuable member of this team composition and can greatly enhance the team's overall effectiveness. With the right characters and strategies, players can achieve high damage and success in Genshin Impact.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Сахароза Вспомогательный DPS

Изумрудная тень
Изумрудная тень
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески Elemental Mastery
  • Кубок Elemental Mastery
  • Обруч Elemental Mastery
Второстепенные Характеристики:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is an Anemo support character who provides an Elemental Mastery bonus to team members. In this team composition, Sucrose's Elemental Mastery bonus can be used to increase the DMG of the Vaporization reaction, which is the main focus of this team composition. As a result, Sucrose's Elemental Mastery bonus can greatly enhance the team's damage output and provide a strong support system. Players should consider using Sucrose in this team composition to provide a strong support system and increase the team's overall damage output. Sucrose's Elemental Mastery bonus can also be used to increase the DMG of the Vaporization reaction, which is the main focus of this team composition. This can greatly enhance the team's damage output and provide a strong support system. Overall, Sucrose is a valuable member of this team composition and can greatly enhance the team's overall effectiveness. With the right characters and strategies, players can achieve high damage and success in Genshin Impact.
Вспомогательный DPS



Билд Тома Вспомогательный DPS

Стойкость Миллелита
Стойкость Миллелита
Основные Характеристики:
  • Пески HP%
  • Кубок HP%
  • Обруч HP%
Второстепенные Характеристики:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Yanfei is the main DPS of this team composition and her DMG is amplified by the Vaporization reaction. In this team composition, Yanfei's Pyro DMG is amplified by the Vaporization reaction, which is the main focus of this team composition. As a result, Yanfei's Pyro DMG can greatly enhance the team's damage output and provide a strong support system. Players should consider using Yanfei in this team composition to provide a strong support system and increase the team's overall damage output. Yanfei's Pyro DMG can also be used to trigger the Vaporization reaction with other Pyro elements on the team, such as Xingqiu's Elemental Burst and Thoma's Pyro element. As a result, Yanfei's Pyro DMG can greatly enhance the team's damage output and provide a strong support system. Overall, Yanfei is a valuable member of this team composition and can greatly enhance the team's overall effectiveness. With the right characters and strategies, players can achieve high damage and success in Genshin Impact.