

Deals Lightning DMG equal to 0.5% of Acheron's ATK to a single target enemy.

Gains 1 point(s) of Slashed Dream. Inflicts 1 stack(s) of Crimson Knot on a single target enemy, dealing Lightning DMG equal to 0.8% of Acheron's ATK to this target, as well as Lightning DMG equal to 0.3% of Acheron's ATK to adjacent targets.

Sequentially unleash Rainblade 3 times and Stygian Resurge 1 time, dealing Lightning DMG up to 2.23% of Acheron's ATK to a single target enemy, as well as Lightning DMG up to 1.8% of Acheron's ATK to other targets. Rainblade: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 14% of Acheron's ATK to a single target enemy and removes up to 3 stacks of Crimson Knot from the target. When Crimson Knot is removed, immediately deals Lightning DMG equal to 9% of Acheron's ATK to all enemies. For every stack of Crimson Knot removed, this DMG Multiplier is additionally increased, up to a maximum of 36%. Stygian Resurge: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 0.72% of Acheron's ATK to all enemies and remove all Crimson Knots. Crimson Knot cannot be applied to enemies during the Ultimate.

When Slashed Dream reaches 9 point(s), the Ultimate can be activated. During the Ultimate, reduces enemies' Toughness regardless of Weakness Types and reduces all enemies' All-Type RES by 0.1%, lasting until the end of the Ultimate. When any unit inflicts debuffs on an enemy target while using their ability, Acheron gains 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflicts 1 stack of Crimson Knot on a target. If debuffs are inflicted on multiple targets, then the 1 stack of Crimson Knot will be inflicted on the enemy target with the most Crimson Knot stacks. This effect can only trigger once for every ability use. After an enemy target exits the field or gets defeated by any unit while Acheron is on the field, their Crimson Knot stacks will be transferred to the enemy target with the most Crimson Knot stacks on the whole field.


When dealing DMG to debuffed enemies, increases CRIT Rate by

The number of Nihility characters required for the Trace "The Abyss" to achieve its highest possible effect is reduced by 1. When this unit's turn starts, gains 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflicts 1 stack of Crimson Knot on the enemy with the most Crimson Knot stacks.

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.

When enemy targets enter combat, inflicts them with the Ultimate DMG Vulnerability, increasing the amount of Ultimate DMG they take by

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.

Increases the All-Type RES PEN for the Ultimate DMG dealt by Acheron by