
Shikanoin Heizou Overview: This Page provides the best Shikanoin Heizou Team information. Shikanoin Heizou will be Support in most of the situation. You can also swap the position of Shikanoin Heizou and Sucrose to make your own best team. Shikanoin Heizou best team can be formed in different ways including Vaporize or Electro-Charged team. You can choose your own best team according to your build and character. From SS tier to S tier, Shikanoin Heizou can be paired with various Sub DPS characters such as Xingqiu, Yelan, and Fischl, with supports like Faruzan, to create a well-rounded team. Faruzan can apply Anemo RES decrease at enemies and DMG Bonus to Shikanoin Heizou by using her Elemental Burst, while Xingqiu and Yelan can provide amplified DMG through Vaporization and Electro-Charged reactions. Fischl can also trigger Electro-Charged with her continuous Electro attachment. You can choose your own best team according to your build and character.
Shikanoin Heizou Anemo Team
#1 Shikanoin Heizou Anemo Team
Shikanoin Heizou is the Main DPS in the team. The DMG of Shikanoin Heizou is maximized with aid of Faruzan, Yelan and Bennett.
#2 Heizou Vaporization Team
Shikanoin Heizou is the Main DPS in the team. The DMG of the whole team is maximized by Vaporization.
#3 Shikanoin Heizou Vaporize
Shikanoin Heizou is the Main DPS in the team. The DMG of whole team is maximized by Vaporization.
Yelan can provide continuous Hydro attack off-field which reacts with the Pyro element on enemies applied by Xiangling. Yelan’s Elemental Burst can also increase DMG of Shikanoin Heizou via her passive talent.
#4 Heizou Electro-Charged Team
Shikanoin Heizou is the Main DPS in the team. He helps spread the Electro and Hydro elements from teammates to trigger Electro-Charged.
#5 Heizou's Electro-Charged Team
Heizou effectively spreads the Electro and Hydro elements with his teammates to trigger Electro-Charged reactions.