Blizzard Strayer

Blizzard Strayer

Max Rarity: 5


Cryo DMG Bonus +15%


When a character attacks an opponent affected by Cryo, their CRIT Rate is increased by 20%. If the opponent is Frozen, CRIT Rate is increased by an additional 20%.

Artifact Pieces

Snowswept Memory

Snowswept Memory

A long-extinct flower, covered in beads of frost, that once grew on the glaciers. There was a time when even the proudest and most arrogant warriors bowed before it.

Icebreaker's Resolve

Icebreaker's Resolve

A feather that exudes a chilly aura. One can almost feel the turbulent winds that brought it here, wailing over snow-covered plains and between frosty peaks.

Frozen Homeland's Demise

Frozen Homeland's Demise

A timepiece from a nation of old that waited for their warriors' return. What flows inside is not sand, but bits of ice that never melt.

Frost-Weaved Dignity

Frost-Weaved Dignity

A cup carved out of ice that is as chilly and biting as winter. Its former master would drink an unfreezable liquor from it.

Broken Rime's Echo

Broken Rime's Echo

The crown of an ancient hero who dreamt of conquering the cold. It is proof of its former master's bravery in facing the bone-chilling cold of winter.