Martial Artist
Max Rarity: 4★
Normal and Charged Attack DMG +15%
After using Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 25% for 8s.
Artifact Pieces

Martial Artist's Red Flower
This particular kind of red flower was the only thing that could alleviate the Martial Artist's pain.

Martial Artist's Feather Accessory
A common bird feather. Experts use it to practice strength control, while rookies use it to make fans.

Martial Artist's Water Hourglass
A tool to keep track of time in endurance training. It is more accurate and reliable than a regular hourglass.

Martial Artist's Wine Cup
A rather exquisite wine cup used in pre-combat rituals.

Martial Artist's Bandana
The first lesson as an apprentice: Vigor, Strength, Will. These words are written on the bandana so you'll never forget them.