NPC"In the distant Era Creatura, at the dawn of creation, the world was brand-new. Back then, many things had no names, and people relied solely on pointing: Sheep were not necessarily sheep, and humans were not necessarily human. At that time, there may not have even been fire — people ate raw flesh, and in their brutality, might even have resorted to cannibalism. Later, a hero or a heroine stole the Coreflame from the Titans, who had no such intention to give fire — thus, those who feared fire became sheep, and those who did not become human. But this hero remembered that, in the past, there was no difference between humans and sheep. So they wore a sheep mask ever after, as a punishment for creating a divide between shepherd and sheep, even though they brought civilization to humanity. In nightmares deep in the night, he or she has become darkness itself, endlessly pursuing and hunting themselves."