Dragon of Dirge

Wuthering Waves Dragon of Dirge Echo

Rarity: (Cost 3)

Transform into Dragon of Dirge and summon a Grief Rift, deal Fusion DMG to enemies within over time. Equipping this Echo in the main slot grants Fusion DMG Bonus and Basic Attack DMG Bonus.

Dragon of Dirge Echo Skill

Transform into Dragon of Dirge and summon a Grief Rift lasting for 5s. Periodically deal 20.45% Fusion DMG to enemies within the area of effect.
The Resonator with this Echo equipped in the main slot gains 12.00% Fusion DMG Bonus and 12.00% Basic Attack DMG Bonus.
CD: 25s.

Dragon of Dirge Sonata Effect

Tidebreaking Courage
Tidebreaking Courage
2-Piece Set: Energy Regen + 10%
5-Piece Set: Increase the Resonator's ATK by 15%. Reaching 250% Energy Regen increases all Attribute DMG by 30% for the Resonator.