Wuthering Waves Nimbus Wraith Echo
Rarity: (Cost 1)
Summon a Nimbus Wraith to heal the active Resonator.
Nimbus Wraith Echo Skill

Summon a Nimbus Wraith that restores the active Resonator's HP by 1.50% of their Max HP, up to 4 times.
CD: 15s.
CD: 15s.
Nimbus Wraith Sonata Effect

Empyrean Anthem
2-Piece Set: Energy Regen + 10%
5-Piece Set: Increase the Resonator's Coordinated Attack DMG by 80%. Upon a critical hit of Coordinated Attack, increase the active Resonator's ATK by 20% for 4s.

Midnight Veil
2-Piece Set: Havoc DMG + 10%
5-Piece Set: When Outro Skill is triggered, deal additional 480% Havoc DMG to surrounding enemies, considered Outro Skill DMG, and grant the incoming Resonator 15% Havoc DMG Bonus for 15s.