
Best Light Cone

Relics and Ornament

Yunli Best Stats
Yunli Best Substats

Yunli Best Relics

Yunli Best Ornaments

Yunli Best Light Cones

Yunli Best Teams
Yunli Hypercarry Team
A hypercarry team revolving around Yunli, supported by characters that buff her damage and provide healing.
Yunli-Robin Team
A team that focuses on sustaining Yunli while giving her the support she needs to continuously deal damage.
Yunli Topaz Team
A team composition that leverages multiple DPS characters, providing Yunli with ample opportunities for follow-up attacks.

Deals Physical DMG equal to 0.5% of Yunli's ATK to a single target enemy.

Restores HP equal to 20% of Yunli's ATK plus 50. Deals Physical DMG equal to 0.6% of Yunli's ATK to a single target enemy and Physical DMG equal to 0.3% of Yunli's ATK to adjacent targets.

Consumes 120 Energy. Yunli gains Parry and Taunts all enemies, lasting until the end of the next ally's or enemy's turn. Increases the CRIT DMG dealt by Yunli's next Counter by 0.6%. When triggering the Counter effect from Talent, launches the Counter "Intuit: Cull" instead and removes the Parry effect. If no Counter is triggered while Parry is active, Yunli will immediately launch the Counter "Intuit: Slash" on a random enemy target. "Intuit: Slash": Deals Physical DMG equal to 1.32% of Yunli's ATK to the target, and deals Physical DMG equal to 0.66% of Yunli's ATK to adjacent targets. "Intuit: Cull": Deals Physical DMG equal to 1.32% of Yunli's ATK to the target, and deals Physical DMG equal to 0.66% of Yunli's ATK to adjacent targets. Then, additionally deals 6 instances of DMG, each dealing Physical DMG equal to 0.43% of Yunli's ATK to a random single enemy. When Yunli deals DMG via this ability, it's considered as dealing Ultimate DMG.

When Yunli gets attacked by an enemy target, additionally regenerates 15 Energy and immediately launches a Counter on the attacker, dealing Physical DMG equal to 0.6% of Yunli's ATK to the attacker and Physical DMG equal to 0.3% of Yunli's ATK to adjacent targets. If there is no immediate target to Counter, then Counters a random enemy target instead.

This unit gains the Ward effect, lasting for 20 seconds. During this time, upon entering combat by either attacking enemies or receiving an attack, immediately casts "Intuit: Cull" on a random enemy, and increases the DMG dealt by this attack by 0.8%.


Increases DMG dealt by "Intuit: Slash" and "Intuit: Cull" by

When dealing DMG via Counter, ignores

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.

After launching "Intuit: Slash" or "Intuit: Cull," increases this unit's Effect RES by

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.

While "Parry" is active, if an enemy actively uses their abilities, regardless of whether it attacks Yunli or not, it will trigger "Intuit: Cull" and remove the "Parry" effect. When dealing DMG via "Intuit: Slash" or "Intuit: Cull," increases CRIT Rate by