Purple Bamboo
SSRWeaponPart of a set
Weapon Effects
The Final Tune
Increase ATK by 30%. Activate by equipping 3 altered weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot.
After switching to Purple Bamboo from another weapon, Purple Bamboo's damage element becomes that of the previous weapon.
The power of the Darkness is able to Inhabit any unlocked weapon. When Purple Bamboo is not deployed, the power of the Darkness can Inhabit any other weapon, increasing its damage dealt by 1%. When Purple Bamboo is deployed, the power of the Darkness Inhabits Purple Bamboo, increasing the Wanderer's damage dealt by 15%.
For every 1 star gained by the Darkness-Inhabited weapon, increase Inhabit's damage boost by an additional 1%. Dimensional Collapse deals increased damage equal to (0.1% of total actual damage dealt in High-Dimensional Space by the Wanderer (excluding Void Trace) plus 2,400% of ATK) (counts as base multiplier, affected by damage boost).
Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
Void Trace inherits an additional 50% of the Wanderer's ATK. When taking lethal damage while not under Possession, instead of being defeated, consume Void Trace to block the lethal damage 1 time and become immune to damage for a short period of time. This effect can only be triggered 1 time every 60 seconds, and has a lower priority when similar effects are present. This set effect works in the off-hand slot.
Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
While in High-Dimensional Space, ignore 20% of the target's resistances. Up to 3 Void Abyss Currents can now be created.
Dimensional Collapse now deals damage equal to (0.4% of total actual damage dealt in High-Dimensional Space by the Wanderer (excluding Void Trace) plus 2,400% of ATK) (counts as base multiplier, affected by damage boost).
Normal Skills
Range Resonance
Attack x5While on the ground, use normal attack to attack 5 times in a row. First Attack: Deal damage equal to 60% of ATK plus 379. Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 84% of ATK plus 531. Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 86% of ATK plus 543. Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 143% of ATK plus 903. Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 820% of ATK plus 5179.
Omni Resonance
JumpAttack x5While airborne, use normal attack to launch 5 attacks in a row in mid-air, consuming endurance. First Attack: Deal damage equal to 60% of ATK plus 379. Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 88% of ATK plus 556. Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 86% of ATK plus 543. Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 138% of ATK plus 872. Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 780% of ATK plus 4926.
Darkshadow Blast
AttackHold AttackWhile on the ground, tap and hold normal attack when using the first/second/third/fourth normal attack to trigger Darkshadow Blast and consume endurance. Launch an attack ahead, dealing damage equal to 148% of ATK plus 935 / 295% of ATK plus 1863 / 443% of ATK plus 2798 to nearby targets and suspending them. After triggering Darkshadow Blast, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Rift Surge.
Rift Surge
AttackHold Attack x2After triggering Darkshadow Blast, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Rift Surge and consume endurance. Launch an attack ahead, dealing damage up to 806% of ATK plus 5091 to nearby targets and suspending them.
Darkshadow Burst
JumpAttackHold AttackWhile airborne, tap and hold normal attack when using the first/second/third/fourth normal attack to trigger Darkshadow Burst and consume endurance. Launch an attack ahead, dealing damage equal to 155% of ATK plus 979 / 310% of ATK plus 1958 / 465% of ATK plus 2937 to nearby targets and suspending them. After triggering Darkshadow Burst, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Rift Eruption.
Rift Eruption
JumpAttackHold Attack x2While on the ground, after triggering Darkshadow Burst, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Rift Eruption and consume endurance. Launch an attack ahead, dealing damage equal to 871% of ATK plus 5501 to nearby targets and suspending them. Damage varies based on the duration normal attack is held, up to a maximum of 1.5 times damage.
Void Abyss Current
Hold AttackWhile on the ground, tap and hold normal attack to create an abyss current at the current location. Tap the mark on the map to transmit to that location, or to change the settings for that abyss current. Up to 2 abyss currents may be created.
Dodge Skills
MovementDashDodge right before getting hit to trigger Phantasia, reducing the speed of targets within the area. Become immune to hitstun while dodging.
Vortex Field
MovementDashAttackUse normal attack during the short period after dodging to trigger Vortex Field. Create Dark Matter at the target location, dealing damage equal to 180% of ATK plus 1137 to nearby targets. When nearby targets come close to the Dark Matter, a Vortex Field will form and draw them in. When the Wanderer passes by the Vortex Field, gain Dimensional Guard for 15 seconds, blocking damage from the locked-on target 1 time (no more than 300% of the Wanderer's Max HP). Dimensional Guard can only be triggered 1 time every 15 seconds.
Butterfly Dance
While in team play, after dodging with Purple Bamboo, summon 1 butterfly that follows the Wanderer for 60 seconds. After activating Attack Resonance or Balance Resonance, the butterfly flies around the locked-on target and creates a composition with its trails, dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK to targets that pass through it. After activating Fortitude Resonance, place a 65% delay on targets that pass through the composition for 2 seconds, and grant a shield equal to 10% of the Wanderer's Max HP to the Wanderer and teammates for 15 seconds when they pass through the composition. This effect can occur up to 1 time per second, stacking up to 2 times. After activating Benediction Resonance, consume the butterfly to immediately help up a knocked-down teammate.
Hyperdimensional Field
Activate Hyperdimensional Field, gaining temporary invincibility, dealing damage equal to 650% of ATK plus 4105 to nearby targets, and placing a 65% delay for 3 seconds on the targets (ineffective against bosses in team play). At the same time, the Void Trace on the field immediately executes its skill. Cooldown: 60 seconds. Ascend into the air and generate a field, placing nearby targets into a High-Dimensional Space that lasts up to 60 seconds, during which the Wanderer gains hyperbody, and Purple Bamboo's damage dealt to targets in the High-Dimensional Space ignores shields. The High-Dimensional Space gains energy equal to 2 plus number of targets within the Space every second, and triggers Dimensional Collapse at 45 energy, dealing damage equal to (0.1% of the total damage dealt by the Wanderer (excluding Void Trace) in the Space plus 1200% of ATK). This damage counts as passive damage and is the base multiplier. It is affected by damage boost. The High-Dimensional Space fades after 4 Dimensional Collapses.
Discharge Skills
Confining Tune
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder and create chains from another dimension to bind the target upon switching to this weapon, delaying them by 65% for 3 seconds (ineffective against bosses in team play), dealing damage equal to 1660% of ATK plus 10484 to nearby targets, and becoming immune to damage for 1.5 seconds (unavailable in Apex League).
Passive: Void Trace Confining Tune creates 1 Void Trace that launches coordinated attacks at the current locked-on target. Only 1 Void Trace may be active, and it fades after 20 seconds when not in combat. For every 1 weapon of a different element or altered weapon equipped, increase Void Trace's damage dealt by 10%. Void Trace's damage is also not affected by damage boosts, except for Inhabit, Confining Tune, and rare stats on titan equipment, and won't trigger additional attack effects. Hold dodge when wielding Purple Bamboo to trigger Possession (unavailable in Apex League) and Possess Void Trace, gaining the ability to control its movements. During Possession, Coordinated Void becomes Void Trace's normal attack and skills. While under Possession, Void Trace enters Rampage state, increasing speed, damage reduction, shatter, and weapon charge by 50%. Its normal attack and its skill damage increase by the same percentage as its Max HP lost at the time. Coordinated Void: A periodic coordinated attack from Void Trace, dealing damage equal to 165% to 300% of Void Trace's ATK. Void Halo: Deal damage equal to 100% of Void Trace's ATK every second to nearby targets. Void Attack: Tap normal attack to launch 4 consecutive attacks, each dealing damage equal to 240% to 385% of Void Trace's ATK. Void Skill: Consume 25% of Void Trace's Max HP and deal damage equal to 1870% to 2040% of Void Trace's ATK, increasing Void Trace's Crit Rate by 30% for 60 seconds. Void Relief: Can be triggered when Void Trace takes lethal damage, when the Wanderer equips or unequips Purple Bamboo, or when holding dodge during Possession.
Passive: Dark Wretch When switching to Purple Bamboo from other weapons, Confining Tune will grant additional effects based on the element of the weapon. Frost: Summon Darkness: Alabaster Elite and deal area damage equal to 500% of ATK. Also, gain a shield equal to 60% of Max HP for 30 seconds (unavailable in Apex League). Create a hail storm by the locked-on target, dealing damage equal to 420% of ATK to nearby targets every second for 15 seconds. Counts as normal attack damage. Flame: Summon Black Crow Dark Wretch and deal area damage equal to 500% of ATK. Burn nearby targets, dealing damage equal to 240% of ATK. Counts as passive damage. Volt: Summon Longxiang Dark Wretch and deal damage equal to 500% of ATK. When not under Possession, consume 5% of Void Trace's Max HP every second and deal 50% of the value as damage to nearby targets. Counts as normal attack damage (unavailable in Apex League). Physical: Summon Darkness: Hornmane and deal area damage equal to 500% of ATK. Gain sweeping for 30 seconds, dealing additional damage equal to 80% of ATK to nearby targets on a critical hit. Counts as normal attack damage. Can only be triggered 1 time every 0.85 seconds. Altered: Summon Darkness: Taotie and deal area damage equal to 525% of ATK. Void Trace inherits an additional 100% of the Wanderer's ATK. Deal additional damage equal to 2000% of Void Trace's ATK to nearby targets during Void Relief. Counts as skill damage.