Rarity: Rank
Element: 以太
House: 刑偵特勤組
Type: 強攻
This build maximizes Zhu Yuan's damage output through her Enhanced Normal Attacks. We recommend prioritizing CRIT DMG stats over CRIT Rate since Zhu Yuan can get a lot of CRIT Rate from her Core Skill.
This build maximizes Zhu Yuan's damage output through her Enhanced Normal Attacks. We recommend prioritizing CRIT DMG stats over CRIT Rate since Zhu Yuan can get a lot of CRIT Rate from her Core Skill.
This free-to-play team can easily trigger the Corrupted effect on enemies, which will increase Zhu Yuan's damage with her best build in mind.
Zhu Yuan and Qingyi have great synergy since the latter can increase the Stun Multiplier. Combined with Zhu Yuan's Core Skill, this team can deal a lot of damage against Stunned enemies.
Zhu Yuan's talents priority should be focused on her Basic Attack and Dodge, as most of her damage will come from firing her Enhanced Shotshells. Her Core Skill is also a top priority, as it increases her damage against stunned enemies.
Once her Basic Attack and Dodge are maxed out, you can move on to her Special Attack and Chain Attack to improve her overall damage output.
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
core skill | Increases the damage dealt to Stunned enemies, making it a top priority to max this out. | |
basic attack | Most of Zhu Yuan's damage will come from her Basic Attacks during Suppressive Mode, making it a top priority to max this out. | |
dodge | Upgrading Zhu Yuan's Dodge is also a top priority, as you can use your Enhanced Shotshells on your Dash Attack. | |
special attack | Upgrading Zhu Yuan's Special Attack increases the damage dealt, making it a priority to max this out after her Basic Attack and Dodge. | |
chain attack | While most of Zhu Yuan's DMG comes from her Enhanced Basic Attacks, upgrading her Ultimate still deals a significant amount of damage, making it a priority to max this out after her Basic Attack and Dodge. | |
assist | Zhu Yuan's Assist allows her to deal some Daze, but it's less of a priority than her other Skills. |
[突擊模式] 點按 發動: 交替使用體術、手槍和以太鹿彈,向前方進行至多五段的攻擊,造成物理傷害和以太傷害。 第四、第五段攻擊命中敵人時,獲得1枚[強化霰彈],同一招式中最多獲得1枚。 招式發動期間,拖曳並點按 ,可以發動[衝刺攻擊:火力奇襲],向對應方向調整身位。 [突擊模式]下,長按 時,將會切換攻擊方式,進入[壓制模式]。
[壓制模式] 長按 發動: 使用霰彈槍向前方進行至多三段的穿透射擊,造成物理傷害。開火時若擁有[強化霰彈],則會消耗1枚[強化霰彈],造成大量以太傷害。 招式發動期間,拖曳可以發動[衝刺攻擊:火力壓制],向對應方向調整身位。 [壓制模式]下,鬆開 時,將會切換攻擊方式,回到[突擊模式]。
點按 發動: 使用以太鹿彈進行射擊,造成以太傷害,連續點按 ,可以重複射擊三次。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升。
能量足夠時,點按 發動: 使用以太鹿彈進行連續射擊,造成大量以太傷害。 招式發動時,獲得3枚[強化霰彈]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
點按 發動: 快速地衝刺閃避。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
[突擊模式] 閃避時,點按 發動: 使用手槍進行射擊,造成以太傷害。
[壓制模式] 在[普通攻擊:請勿抵抗]發動期間,拖曳發動: 使用霰彈槍進行穿透射擊,造成物理傷害。開火時若擁有[強化霰彈],則會消耗1枚[強化霰彈],造成大量以太傷害。
觸發[極限閃避]後,點按 發動: 使用以太鹿彈對前方敵人發動射擊,造成以太傷害。 招式發動時,獲得1枚[強化霰彈]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
觸發[連攜技]時,選擇對應角色發動: 使用完全變形武器進行飽和攻擊,發射直線雷射和追蹤導彈,造成大量以太傷害。 招式發動時,獲得3枚[強化霰彈]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
喧響等級達到[極]時,點按 發動: 使用完全變形武器進行飽和攻擊,發射直線雷射和追蹤導彈,造成大量以太傷害。 招式發動時,獲得3枚[強化霰彈]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色被擊飛時,點按 發動: 使用以太鹿彈對前方敵人發動射擊,造成以太傷害。 招式發動時,獲得1枚[強化霰彈]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色即將被攻擊時,點按 發動: 回避敵人的攻擊,並觸發[極限視域]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
發動[回避支援]後,點按 發動: 交替使用體術和霰彈槍進行攻擊,造成物理傷害和以太傷害。 招式發動時,獲得3枚[強化霰彈]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。