Rarity: Rank
Element: 烈霜
House: 維多利亞居家服務
Type: 擊破
This build makes the most out of Lycaon's Daze and makes him deal a decent amount of damage. Having Energy Regen on Lycaon is also important so that he can use his EX Special Attacks more frequently.
Lycaon's talents priority is as follows:
1. Basic Attack: This is the most important skill to maximize first, as it is the primary source of Daze for Lycaon.
2. Core Skill: Upgrading the Core Skill increases Lycaon's Daze, making it the second priority.
3. Special Attack: This skill deals significant damage and is a good secondary source of Daze, making it the third priority.
4. Chain Attack: This skill deals massive damage and is a good alternative to the Special Attack, making it the fourth priority.
5. Dodge: While this skill is useful for avoiding damage, it is not as important as the other skills, making it the fifth priority.
6. Assist: This skill is the least important of the six, but it can still be useful in certain situations.
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
assist | The Assist skill is the least important of the six, but it can still be useful in certain situations. | |
core skill | The Core Skill increases Lycaon's Daze, making it an important skill to upgrade. | |
dodge | The Dodge skill is useful for avoiding damage, but it is not as important as the other skills. | |
chain attack | The Chain Attack deals massive damage and is a good alternative to the Special Attack. | |
special attack | The Special Attack deals significant damage and is a good secondary source of Daze. | |
basic attack | The Basic Attack is the primary source of Daze for Lycaon, making it the most important skill to upgrade. |
點按 發動: 向前方進行至多五段的打擊,造成物理傷害。 長按 可以進行蓄力,提升招式的威力,並造成冰屬性傷害。
點按 發動: 向前方進行連續打擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 長按 可以進行蓄力,提升招式的威力。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升。
能量足夠時,點按 發動: 向前方進行強力連續打擊,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 長按 可以進行蓄力,消耗能量並提升招式的威力。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
點按 發動: 快速地衝刺閃避。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
閃避時,點按 發動: 向前方滑鏟進行連續打擊,造成物理傷害。
觸發[極限閃避]後,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動打擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
觸發[連攜技]時,選擇對應角色發動: 對前方小範圍敵人發動強力連續打擊,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
喧響等級達到[極]時,點按 發動: 對前方大範圍敵人發動強力連續打擊,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色被擊飛時,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動打擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色即將被攻擊時,點按 發動: 招架敵人的攻擊,累積大量失衡值。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
發動[招架支援]後,點按 發動: 在前方產生冰柱並對區域內的敵人發動打擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
在[普通攻擊]或[特殊技]的發動期間受到敵方攻擊時, 萊卡恩立刻獲得等同於自身7.5%生命值上限的護盾,持續15秒, 護盾持續期間抗打斷等級提升,15秒內最多觸發一次。