Rarity: Rank
Element: 烈霜
House: 對空洞特別行動部第六課
Type: 支援
This build has a lot of ATK stats on Soukaku so that she can maximize her Core Skill's ATK buff. Energy Regen is also an important stat so that Soukaku can use her EX Special Attack.
Soukaku can be used as a Support unit that can increase Ice DMG. She can synergize well with Miyabi, who can deal a lot of Ice DMG with Frostburn.
Soukaku and Caesar pair up to provide ATK buffs and Shields respectively. Use Caesar's shield to provide ATK buffs and increase the party's resistance to interuption.
Soukaku's talents priority is as follows:
1. Core Skill: This is the most important skill to upgrade as it increases the ATK buff that Soukaku can transfer to an ally.
2. Special Attack: This skill is used to deal damage and activate Soukaku's ATK buff, so it's essential to upgrade it.
3. Chain Attack: This skill can deal a lot of damage and can easily wipe out smaller enemies, so it's worth upgrading if you have extra materials.
As for the other skills, Basic Attack, Dodge, and Assist are not as important and can be left out.
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
core skill | Increases the ATK buff that Soukaku can transfer to an ally. | |
special attack | Used to deal damage and activate Soukaku's ATK buff. | |
chain attack | Can deal a lot of damage and can easily wipe out smaller enemies. | |
basic attack | Upgrading Basic Attack is unnecessary since Soukaku is a Support unit. | |
dodge | Soukaku's dodge is also unnecessary since she doesn't take a lot of field time and is mostly uninterrupted thanks to her Special Attack. | |
assist | Soukaku's Assist only increases the damage, so this can also be left out. |
點按 發動: 向前方進行至多三段攻擊,造成物理傷害。
[霜染刃旗]狀態下,點按 發動: 向前方進行至多三段更快速的攻擊,造成冰屬性傷害。
點按 發動: 向前方扇出風場,隨後釋放終結一擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升,受到的傷害降低40%。 招式發動期間長按 ,可以快速銜接[展旗]攻擊。
能量足夠時,點按 發動: 向前方扇出範圍更遠的風場,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 多次點按可以連續發動招式,每次發動時將消耗一定能量,能量不足或停止點按時會自動施展終結一擊,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升,受到的傷害降低40%。 招式發動期間長按 ,可以快速銜接[展旗]攻擊。
長按 發動: 將武器插入地面變形為旗幟,發動[展旗]攻擊,造成冰屬性傷害,[展旗]攻擊命中敵人時,將觸發[快速支援]。 [展旗]攻擊後再次點按 或 ,將發動一次特殊的收旗攻擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 發動[展旗]攻擊時,若擁有三層[渦流],則會消耗所有[渦流],進入[霜染刃旗]狀態。[霜染刃旗]狀態下,蒼角能夠發動強化[普通攻擊]和強化[衝刺攻擊],造成大量冰屬性傷害,最多持續45秒或觸發6次。 蒼角的武器在以下情況下會獲得[渦流]: 發動[強化特殊技]時,獲得一層[渦流]。 發動[連攜技]時,獲得一層[渦流]。 發動[終結技]時,獲得三層[渦流]。 [渦流]上限為三層。
點按 發動: 快速地衝刺閃避。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
閃避時,點按 發動: 向前方進行斬擊,造成物理傷害。
[霜染刃旗]狀態下,閃避時,點按 發動: 向前方進行斬擊,造成冰屬性傷害。
觸發[極限閃避]後,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動斬擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
觸發[連攜技]時,選擇對應角色發動: 快速對前方敵人發動多次打擊,隨後銜接[展旗]攻擊,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
喧響等級達到[極]時,點按 發動: 快速對前方敵人發動更多次打擊,隨後銜接[展旗]攻擊,造成大量冰屬性傷害。 招式發動時,蒼角會進入[鬼面]狀態,使自身暴擊率提升15%,持續15秒。 招式發動時,隊伍中其他角色回復10點能量,下一名換入前場的角色額外回復20點能量; 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色被擊飛時,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動斬擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色即將被攻擊時,點按 發動: 招架敵人的攻擊,累積大量失衡值。 具有較為優秀的招架效能,承受高強度攻擊時[支援點數]的消耗量降低。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
發動[招架支援]後,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動突進打擊,造成冰屬性傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。 招式發動期間長按 ,可以快速銜接[展旗]攻擊。