Rarity: Rank
Element: 物理
House: 狡兔屋
Type: 強攻
This build maximizes Billy's damage output when he uses his Ultimate after using his Chain Attack for heavy burst damage and consistent damage through his Basic Attacks afterward.
Billy is the Attack character of the team and acts as the main DPS. Nicole can reduce the enemies' DEF and gather them in one place while Anby inflicts Daze and can Shock enemies.
Billy's damage as DPS comes mostly from his Basic Attack, so aim to upgrade this first. If you have extra materials, go for his Chain Attack as he can spray a decent amount of AoE damage around him with his Ultimate. Lastly, upgrade his Core Skill when able.
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
core skill | Max this out since this is a big DMG boost for him. Billy's Core Skill increases the DMG boost he gets when he uses Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack. | |
basic attack | Max this out first. Billy's Basic Attacks are his consistent source of damage. | |
special attack | Billy's Special Attack packs some damage, so max this out after his Basic Attack and Chain Attack. | |
chain attack | Billy's Chain Attack and Ultimate deal a lot of burst damage, so max this out after his Basic Attack. It also gets a DMG boost from his Core Skill. | |
dodge | Billy still does some damage through his Dodge Skills, but this is less of a priority than his Basic Attack and Chain Attack. | |
assist | Billy's Assist Skill allows him to deal some damage, but it's less of a priority than his other Skills. |
點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。 連點或長按時,可以進入蹲姿射擊,延長射擊的持續時間。 蹲姿射擊途中拖曳時,可以發動翻滾射擊,調整身位並造成物理傷害。 蹲姿射擊途中停止連點或鬆開長按時,對前方敵人發動終結射擊,造成物理傷害。
點按 發動: 向前方直線區域進行至多三段的穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升。
能量足夠時,點按 發動: 向前方直線區域進行強力穿透攻擊,造成大量物理傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
點按 發動: 快速地衝刺閃避。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
拖曳發動閃避後,點按 發動: 向周圍大範圍區域進行穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。 未拖曳發動閃避後,點按 發動: 向前方直線區域進行穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。
觸發[極限閃避]後,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
觸發[連攜技]時,選擇對應角色發動: 對周圍大範圍敵人發動強力穿透攻擊,造成大量物理傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
喧響等級達到[極]時,點按 發動: 對周圍大範圍敵人發動強力穿透攻擊,造成大量物理傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色被擊飛時,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色即將被攻擊時,點按 發動: 回避敵人的攻擊,並觸發[極限視域]。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
發動[回避支援]後,點按 發動: 對前方大範圍敵人發動穿透攻擊,造成物理傷害。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。