Genshin Impact Xilonen Build

Best Xilonen Builds

Recommended Primary Stats
DEF% / Energy Recharge
DEF% / Healing Bonus / CRIT Rate
Substats Priority
Xilonen is a 5-star Geo Catalyst character in Genshin Impact. Her abilities can be utilized in various team compositions, including Geo teams and Elemental Reaction teams. To activate her Samplers, you need to have E > 2N. This will allow her to change the elemental types of 2 or more of her Samplers. Elemental Reaction: When 2 or more of Xilonen's Samplers have their elemental types changed, her Burst will heal the active character at intervals. This is a useful mechanic for maintaining the active character's HP. Elemental Reaction (Alternative): If 2 or more of Xilonen's Samplers do not have their elemental types changed, her Burst will deal additional instances of Geo DMG. Build Recommendations: To maximize Xilonen's healing potential, consider using a Geo Catalyst set with a high Geo DMG bonus. This will allow her to deal more Geo DMG and trigger more Elemental Reactions. Team Compositions: Xilonen can be used in various team compositions, including:
- Geo teams: Pair Xilonen with other Geo characters to create a powerful Geo team.
- Elemental Reaction teams: Use Xilonen to trigger Elemental Reactions with other characters.
Talents Priority
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Best Xilonen Teams
Xilonen Skills

Xilonen isn't picky about the two, however. She enjoys both immensely, after all!

"It's cool, I recorded those beats just now. Let's see what we get when we mix our rhythms!"
Passive Talent

Netotiliztli's Echoes
Ascension Phase 1
·If Xilonen has at least 2 Source Samples that have had their Elemental Types changed, she gains 35 Nightsoul points when her Normal or Plunging Attacks hit opponents. Can be triggered once every 0.1s.
·If Xilonen has fewer than 2 Source Samples that have had their Elemental Types changed, her Normal and Plunging Attacks deal 30% increased DMG.

Portable Armored Sheath
Ascension Phase 4
Additionally, when nearby party members trigger a Nightsoul Burst, Xilonen's DEF is increased by 20% for 15s.

Night Realm's Gift: Blessing of Forge-Fire
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Xilonen. When the active character is currently sprinting, climbing, in a movement mode caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, the following will trigger when switching to Xilonen: Xilonen will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and gain 20 Nightsoul points. In this situation, Xilonen's Nightsoul points have a 4s time limit, after which her Nightsoul points will immediately expire. After she uses Yohual's Scratch within this time limit, her Nightsoul point time limit will be extended by 9s. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team.
Additionally, while in Natlan, Xilonen will not consume Stamina when climbing while in the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Tour of Tepeilhuitl

Sabbatical Phrase
Constellation Lv. 1
Additionally, when Xilonen's Source Samples are active, she can also increase nearby active characters' interruption resistance.

Chiucue Mix
Constellation Lv. 2
·Geo: DMG dealt +50%.
·Pyro: ATK +45%.
·Hydro: Max HP +45%.
·Cryo: CRIT DMG +60%.
·Electro: Restore 25 Energy, decrease Elemental Burst CD by 6s.

Tonalpohualli's Loop
Constellation Lv. 3
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Suchitl's Trance
Constellation Lv. 4
Characters with Blooming Blessing deal 65% of Xilonen's DEF as increased Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG. This effect will be removed after triggering 6 times or when the duration ends.
When you hit more than one opponent, trigger counts will be consumed based on the number of opponents hit. The counts for each party member with Blooming Blessing are counted independently.

Tlaltecuhtli's Crossfade
Constellation Lv. 5
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Imperishable Night Carnival
Constellation Lv. 6
During this time:
·Her Nightsoul's Blessing time limit countdown will be paused. Xilonen's Nightsoul points, Phlogiston, and Stamina will not decrease, and when her Nightsoul points reach the maximum, her Nightsoul's Blessing state will not end either.
·Xilonen deals 300% of her DEF as increased Normal and Plunging Attack DMG while in the Nightsoul's Blessing state.
·She heals nearby party members for 120% of her DEF every 1.5s.
She can gain 1 Imperishable Night's Blessing once every 15s.
Ascension Materials
Prithiva Topaz Sliver
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Sentry's Wooden Whistle
Prithiva Topaz Fragment
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Sentry's Wooden Whistle
Prithiva Topaz Fragment
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Prithiva Topaz Chunk
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Prithiva Topaz Chunk
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Talent Materials
Teachings of Kindling
Sentry's Wooden Whistle
Guide to Kindling
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Guide to Kindling
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Guide to Kindling
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Guide to Kindling
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Philosophies of Kindling
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Mirror of Mushin
Philosophies of Kindling
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Mirror of Mushin
Philosophies of Kindling
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Mirror of Mushin
Philosophies of Kindling
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Mirror of Mushin
Crown of Insight