Koleda Belobog

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) Koleda Belobog Build

Rarity: S Rank

Element: Fire

House: Belobog Heavy Industries

Type: Stun

Koleda Belobog Best Builds

Koleda Impact Build

This build makes the most out of Koleda's Daze and makes her deal a good amount of damage. Having Energy Regen on her is also important so that she can use her EX Special Attacks more frequently.

For Koleda's Drive Discs, Shockstar Disco increases her Impact and inflicts more Daze to enemies, stunning them faster. You may also opt for an Inferno Metal drive disc as it boosts Fire DMG, but Koleda's main purpose is to accumulate Daze and stun enemies. It is still a good choice but only if Koleda is the main DPS of your team.

Drive Main Stats

Fire DMG Bonus

Drive Substats


Koleda Belobog Best Teams and Bangboo

Koleda Fire-Stun Team

Koleda Premium Team
This team is designed for taking advantage of Fire weaknesses. It excels in stunning enemies and maximizing damage with additional abilities activated.

Koleda F2P Early Game Team

Koleda F2P Team
A great early game setup if you pulled Koleda, it utilizes free characters to build Daze and maximize damage potential.

Koleda Belobog Skill Priority

Koleda excels at accumulating Daze with her Special Attacks, so make sure to upgrade that first. Next, follow it up with the Basic Attack or Chain Attack since she also accumulates Daze with it, but not as huge as her Special Attacks. Lastly, always upgrade her Core Skill when able.

special_attackspecial attack
Koleda's Ex Special Attack will be used a lot given that she has a good amount of Energy Regen. So, there is a need to increase its DMG and Daze.
core_skillcore skill
Upgrading Koleda's Core Skill increases the Daze that she inflicts on enemies when she uses her Ex Special Attack or enhanced Basic Attack.
basic_attackbasic attack
Koleda will frequently use her enhanced Basic Attack when she is on the field.
chain_attackchain attack
Increases the DMG and Daze of Koleda's Chain Attack and Ultimate.
A low-priority upgrade since you will barely use Koleda's Dodge Counter and Dash Attack.
There is no harm in raising Koleda's Assist. But, upgrading it has a lower priority compared to her other abilities.

Koleda Skills

Smash 'n' Bash

Basic Attack

Smash 'n' Bash

Press to activate: Unleashes up to 4 strikes, dealing Physical DMG. When Koleda has the Furnace Fire effect, she can launch an enhanced Basic Attack after the 2nd hit, consuming the Furnace Fire effect and dealing massive Fire DMG. When Koleda and Ben are deployed together, executing an enhanced Basic Attack will trigger a coordinated attack from both, further increasing the move's power; Koleda is invulnerable during the Basic Attack's 4th hit and enhanced Basic Attack.

Hammer Time

Special Attack

Hammer Time

Press to activate: Strikes enemies in front and triggers an explosion, dealing Fire DMG. This skill launches faster and triggers an explosion when used after the 2nd or 4th hit of Koleda's Basic Attack or enhanced Basic Attack. When Koleda and Ben are both in your squad, and this skill is quickly launched after an enhanced Basic Attack, they team up to launch a coordinated attack, further increasing the power of the skill. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

Boiling Furnace

EX Special Attack

Boiling Furnace

With enough Energy, press to activate: Strikes enemies in front and triggers a powerful explosion, dealing massive Fire DMG. Koleda also gains the Furnace Fire effect. This skill activates faster and triggers an explosion when used after the 2nd or 4th hit of Koleda's Basic Attack or enhanced Basic Attack. When Koleda and Ben are both in your squad and this skill is quickly launched after an enhanced Basic Attack, they team up to launch a coordinated attack, further increasing the power of the skill. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Wait 'n' See


Wait 'n' See

Press to activate: A quick dash dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Dash Attack


Press during a Dodge to activate: Strikes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Don't Look Down on Me

Dodge Counter

Don't Look Down on Me

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Strikes enemies in front and creates an explosion, dealing Fire DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Natural Disaster

Chain Attack

Natural Disaster

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Unleashes a powerful explosion on enemies in a large area, dealing massive Fire DMG while also obtaining the Furnace Fire effect. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.




When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate: Unleashes a powerful explosion on enemies in a large area in front, dealing massive Fire DMG while also obtaining the Furnace Fire effect. Koleda and Ben can team up when fighting together to launch a coordinated attack, further increasing the power of the attack. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Coming Thru!

Quick Assist

Coming Thru!

When the active character is launched, press to activate: Strikes enemies in front, dealing Fire DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Protective Hammer

Defensive Assist

Protective Hammer

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press to activate: Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze. This skill excels at parrying enemy attacks and reduces the consumption of Assist Points when the character is under intense attacks. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Hammer Bell

Assist Follow-Up

Hammer Bell

Press after a Defensive Assist to activate: Koleda charges and strikes enemies in front, dealing Fire DMG and obtaining Furnace Fire effect. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Koleda Talents

Beat of the Hammer


Beat of the Hammer

After the 2nd or 4th hit of Koleda's Basic Attack or her enhanced Basic Attack, quickly use a Special Attack or EX Special Attack to increase the Daze dealt by 15%.

Kinetic Recovery


Kinetic Recovery

When Koleda's EX Special Attack hits an enemy, she recovers 60 Energy. Can trigger once every 45s.

"Mind Your Own!"


"Mind Your Own!"

Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Furnace's Glow


Furnace's Glow

Koleda gains one stack of Charge (max 2 stacks) when consuming Furnace Fire to use her Enhanced Basic Attack. When her Chain Attack or Ultimate hits an enemy, she consumes all stacks of Charge to increase the attack's DMG by 18% per stack.

"You Dare Underestimate Me?"


"You Dare Underestimate Me?"

Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Saturated Blast


Saturated Blast

When EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate triggers an explosion that hits an enemy, it deals additional DMG equal to 360% of Koleda's ATK.