Genshin Impact Layla Build

A Rtawahist student who specializes in Theoretical Astrology. Heavily prone to somnambulism and locked in a grinding war with sleep deprivation, the problem of restful slumber is a most troubling one to her.
Best Layla Builds
Recommended Primary Stats
HP% / Energy Recharge
HP% / CRIT Rate
Substats Priority
Talents Priority
Recommended Primary Stats
HP% / Energy Recharge
Cryo DMG Bonus / HP%
Substats Priority
Talents Priority
The goal of this build is to prioritize Layla's shield without building for personal damage.
Regarding Weapon Choices:
- Primordial Jade Cutter: This weapon sees more value on Layla when you're also investing into her damage to some extent.
- Favonius Sword: Try to build some Crit Rate if using this weapon to trigger the passive consistently.
- Freedom-Sworn: This weapon can be a good support option in teams where Layla can consistently trigger the passive.
Regarding Artifact Sets:
- Tenacity of the Millelith (4): This set is by far the best option for Layla, it complements her kit perfectly by providing HP% along with a teamwide ATK% and Shield Strength buff.
SUPPORT AND DAMAGE Layla's shield is very durable thanks to a good Base DMG Absorption and the number of Shield Strength modifiers she has access to. Furthermore, her personal damage scales well with Constellations (particularly 5 and 6). This build is a higher investment option than a pure Support build, choosing to sacrifice some shield durability in exchange for greater personal damage.
Regarding Weapon Choices:
- Harbinger of Dawn [R5]: Weapon ranking is assuming Layla is above 90% HP. As Layla is primarily used as an off-field character, she can usually have good uptime on the Harbinger passive. Though it's possible that good uptime may be unrealistic depending on your team, or if you're facing enemies where corrosion is present.
- Wolf-Fang: At [R5] this weapon performs similarly to Harbinger of Dawn [R5].
- Favonius Sword: This weapon performs significantly worse than other listed options in terms of personal damage, but the extra particles for your team could be valuable.
Regarding Artifact Sets:
- Tenacity of the Millelith (4): This set is by far the best option for Layla's shield durability, and very often the best set for team damage.
- Blizzard Strayer (4): This is Layla's best set for personal damage in teams where enemies are affected by Cryo or Frozen.
Regarding Artifact Mainstats: While a HP%/Cryo/Crit build is ideal for personal damage, additional HP% mainstats can be used to increase shield durability without a huge drop in personal damage as Layla's damage is partially HP scaling.
Credits to Voidrev for the weapon ranking.
Most Used Build from the Community
Best Layla Teams
Layla Skills

Passive Talent

Like Nascent Light
Ascension Phase 1
·The Shield Strength of a character under the effect of the Curtain of Slumber increases by 6%.
·This effect can have a maximum of 4 stacks and persists until the Curtain of Slumber disappears.

Sweet Slumber Undisturbed
Ascension Phase 4

Shadowy Dream-Signs

Fortress of Fantasy
Constellation Lv. 1
Additionally, when unleashing Nights of Formal Focus, she will generate a shield for any nearby party members who are not being protected by a Curtain of Slumber. This shield will have 35% of the absorption of a Curtain of Slumber, will last for 12s, and will absorb Cryo DMG with 250% effectiveness.

Light's Remit
Constellation Lv. 2

Secrets of the Night
Constellation Lv. 3
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Starry Illumination
Constellation Lv. 4
Dawn Star can last up to 3s and will be removed 0.05s after dealing Normal or Charged Attack DMG.

Stream of Consciousness
Constellation Lv. 5
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Radiant Soulfire
Constellation Lv. 6
Additionally, the interval between the creation of Night Stars via Nights of Formal Focus is decreased by 20%.
Ascension Materials
Shivada Jade Sliver
Nilotpala Lotus
Divining Scroll
Shivada Jade Fragment
Perpetual Caliber
Nilotpala Lotus
Divining Scroll
Shivada Jade Fragment
Perpetual Caliber
Nilotpala Lotus
Sealed Scroll
Shivada Jade Chunk
Perpetual Caliber
Nilotpala Lotus
Sealed Scroll
Shivada Jade Chunk
Perpetual Caliber
Nilotpala Lotus
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Shivada Jade Gemstone
Perpetual Caliber
Nilotpala Lotus
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Talent Materials
Teachings of Ingenuity
Divining Scroll
Guide to Ingenuity
Sealed Scroll
Guide to Ingenuity
Sealed Scroll
Guide to Ingenuity
Sealed Scroll
Guide to Ingenuity
Sealed Scroll
Philosophies of Ingenuity
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Mirror of Mushin
Philosophies of Ingenuity
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Mirror of Mushin
Philosophies of Ingenuity
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Mirror of Mushin
Philosophies of Ingenuity
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Mirror of Mushin
Crown of Insight