Rarity: Rank
Element: 电属性
House: 刑侦特勤组
Type: 击破
This build helps Qingyi inflict as much Daze as possible to easily Stun the enemy while also giving her some Energy Regen to access her EX Special Attack easily. Impact is Qingyi's most important stat since it helps her Stun the enemy as fast as possible.
Qingyi is the main damage dealer here, focusing on Stun effects and synergizing with either Nicole or Billy.
Sumoboo is the Bangboo for this team.
Qingyi works excellently with Zhu Yuan, capitalizing on Stun effects for enhanced damage output.
Resonaboo serves as a supportive Bangboo.
Qingyi's talents priority is as follows:
1. Core Skill: Qingyi's Core Skill increases the Stun Multiplier, so you would want to max this out.
2. Basic Attack: Most of Qingyi's Daze will come from her Basic Attack, so prioritize on upgrading this along with her Special Attack.
3. Dodge: Upgrade Qingyi's Dodge as you'll be using her Dodge Counter most of the time to deal a lot of Daze to an enemy.
4. Special Attack: Upgrading Qingyi's Special Attack simply increases the damage and daze. Upgrade this along with Qingyi's Basic Attack.
5. Chain Attack: Upgrade her ultimate next since it deals a massive amount of Daze to an enemy.
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
core skill | Qingyi's Core Skill increases the Stun Multiplier, so you would want to max this out. | |
basic attack | Most of Qingyi's Daze will come from her Basic Attack, so prioritize on upgrading this along with her Special Attack. | |
special attack | Upgrading Qingyi's Special Attack simply increases the damage and daze. Upgrade this along with Qingyi's Basic Attack. | |
dodge | Upgrade Qingyi's Dodge as you'll be using her Dodge Counter most of the time to deal a lot of Daze to an enemy. | |
chain attack | Upgrade her ultimate next since it deals a massive amount of Daze to an enemy. | |
assist | Qingyi's Assist allows her to deal some Daze, but it's less of a priority compared her other Skills. |
点按 发动: 向前方进行至多四段的打击,造成物理伤害和电属性伤害; 第三段攻击期间,连续点按 可以维持连击,持续打击敌人,在此期间发动[闪避],不会打断[普通攻击]的连击段数; 第三段攻击期间,停止点按 将会中断连击,自动衔接第四段攻击,维持连击超过一定时间后,第四段攻击将会得到强化; 第三、第四段攻击期间抗打断等级提升,受到的伤害降低40%。
长按 发动: 向前方发动一次突进攻击,造成电属性伤害; 招式发动期间抗打断等级提升。
[闪络]状态下,长按 发动: 向前方连续发动五次突进攻击,随后发动终结一击,造成大量电属性伤害,招式发动期间松开 ,可以提前发动终结一击; 在角色即将受到攻击时发动终结一击,可以触发[极限闪避]; 突进攻击发动期间抗打断等级提升,受到的伤害降低40%,终结一击发动期间具有无敌效果。
点按 发动: 向前方快速上挑,随后发动下砸攻击,造成电属性伤害; 招式发动期间抗打断等级提升。
能量足够时,点按 发动: 向前方快速上挑后腾空跃起,转身连打后发动强力的下砸攻击,造成大量电属性伤害,长按 时,可以额外消耗能量,提升转身连打的攻击次数; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果; 招式发动后,可直接衔接第三段[普通攻击]。
点按 发动: 快速的冲刺闪避; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
闪避时,点按 发动: 向前突进后发动上挑攻击,造成物理伤害。
触发[极限闪避]后,点按 发动: 腾空跃起后发动下落攻击,造成电属性伤害; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
触发[连携技]时,选择对应角色发动: 对前方大范围区域发动强力连续打击,造成大量电属性伤害; 攻击命中敌人时,目标每拥有一层[核心被动:千秋岁]中的[羁服],招式对其造成的伤害提升3%; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
喧响等级达到[极]时,点按 发动: 对前方大范围区域发动强力连续打击,随后发动终结一击,造成大量电属性伤害; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
前场角色被击飞时,点按 发动: 腾空跃起后发动下落攻击,造成电属性伤害; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
前场角色即将被攻击时,点按 发动: 招架敌人的攻击,累积大量失衡值; 具有较为优秀的招架性能,承受高强度攻击时[支援点数]的消耗量降低; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
发动[招架支援]后,点按 发动: 向前方快速突进攻击并向地面注入电能,随后拔起引发爆炸,造成电属性伤害; 招式发动期间拥有无敌效果。
[普通攻击]、[闪避]、[支援技]、[特殊技]、[连携技] 技能等级+2
[普通攻击]、[闪避]、[支援技]、[特殊技]、[连携技] 技能等级+2