Genshin Impact Diona Best Team Guide

This Page provides the best Diona Team information. Diona will be Healer/Support in most of the situation. From C tier, Diona best team can be mainly formed in different ways including Vaporize, Permafrost and Melt team. You can choose your own best team according to your build and character. Diona’s shield provides a safe environment for team members, and helps boost the recharge of other characters' Elemental Burst. You can also swap the position of Diona and other supports to make your own best team. Diona can be paired with Sub DPS like Xingqiu, Ganyu, and Ayaka, and supports like Mona to create a well-rounded team.
Diona Team Summary
Diona Melt Team
#1 Diona Melt Team
Diona is a Healer in the team. Hu Tao’s DMG is amplified by Melting.
2 Cryo Characters CRIT RATE vs Frozen or Cryo status enemies increased (+15%).
Hu Tao is the main DPS, her DMG is amplified by the Melting in this team.
Main Stats
- Sands HP% / Elemental Mastery
- Goblet Pyro DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Elemental Mastery / ATK%
Xingqiu’s Elemental Burst can attach Hydro element to enemies continuously, and so react with Hu Tao’s DMG to trigger Vaporization and react with Rosaria’s Cyro DMG to trigger Freezing.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Hydro DMG
- Circlet CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Rosaria mainly deals DMG by her Elemental Burst in this build. Rosaria’s Cryo attachment reacts with Hu Tao’s Pyro DMG to trigger Melting and reacts with Xingqiu’s Hydro DMG to trigger Freezing. Casting Elemental Burst CRIT Rate of all nearby party members (except Rosaria herself) by 15% of Rosaria’s CRIT Rate for 10s.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Cryo DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate
CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
#2 Diona Permafrost Team #1
Diona is a Support in the team. Ayaka’s Cryo DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Kokomi to trigger Freezing.
Ayaka’s Elemental Burst deals high DMG and provides Cryo attachment for triggering Freezing.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Cryo DMG
- Circlet CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Diona’s shield provides safe environment for team members, and help boost the recharge of Ayaka’s Elemental Burst.
Kazuha can assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, provide DMG buff to teammates and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies.
Main Stats
- Sands Elemental Mastery
- Goblet Elemental Mastery
- Circlet Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Kokomi is the Support/Healer in the team. The Elemental Skill’s attacks trigger Hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4). This makes Ayaka and Rosaria can constantly freeze the enemy in most of the fight time.
Main Stats
- Sands HP%
- Goblet Hydro DMG
- Circlet Healing Bonus
HP% / Energy Recharge / HP% / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
#3 Diona Permafrost Team #2
Diona is a Support in the team. Ayaka’s Cryo DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Mona to trigger Freezing.
Ayaka’s Elemental Burst deals high DMG and provides Cryo attachment for triggering Freezing.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Cryo DMG
- Circlet CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Mona’s Elemental Burst can provide DMG increase, and she attaches Hydro element to enemies with aid of Venti.
Main Stats
- Sands Energy Recharge
- Goblet Hydro DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK%
Diona’s shield provides safe environment for team members, and helps boost the recharge of Ayaka’s Elemental Burst.
#4 Diona Permafrost Team #3
Diona is a Support in the team. Ayaka’s Cryo DMG reacts with Hydro attachment from Mona to trigger Freezing.
Ayaka’s Elemental Burst deals high DMG and provides Cryo attachment for triggering Freezing.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Cryo DMG
- Circlet CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Mona’s Elemental Burst can provide DMG increase, and she attaches Hydro element to enemies with aid of Kazuha.
Main Stats
- Sands Energy Recharge
- Goblet Hydro DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK%
Diona’s shield provides safe environment for team members, and help boost the recharge of Ayaka’s Elemental Burst.
Kazuha can assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, provide DMG buff to teammates and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies.
Main Stats
- Sands Elemental Mastery
- Goblet Elemental Mastery
- Circlet Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
#5 Diona Melt Team
Diona is a Healer in the team. Klee’s DMG is amplified by Melting.
Klee is the main DPS, her DMG is amplified by the Melting in this team.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Pyro DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Ganyu deals DMG mainly by Elemental Burst at backstage. Ganyu Cryo attachment reacts with Pyro attachment from Klee to trigger Melting.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Cryo DMG
- Circlet CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Kazuha can assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, provide DMG buff to teammates and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies.
Main Stats
- Sands Elemental Mastery
- Goblet Elemental Mastery
- Circlet Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
#6 Diona Melt Team #3
Diona is a Healer in the team. Diluc’s DMG is amplified by Melting.
Diluc is the main DPS, his DMG is amplified by the Melting in this team.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Pyro DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Ayaka deals DMG mainly by Elemental Burst at backstage. Ayaka Cryo attachment reacts with Pyro attachment from Diluc to trigger Melting.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet Cryo DMG
- Circlet CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Venti’s Elemental Burst can group enemies together and apply crowd control, and he can help spread Cryo attachment from Ayaka to enemies nearby.
Main Stats
- Sands ATK%
- Goblet ATK%
- Circlet CRIT DMG