Rarity: Rank
Element: 炎属性
House: カリュドーンの子
Type: 支援
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
This build maximizes Lucy's supporting capabilities. Focus on increasing her CRIT, ATK, and Energy. Consider increasing her Impact stat as well since Lucy's Guard Boars will inherit it from her.
Since Lucy is a Support character, Swing Jazz is the best 4-piece Drive Disc set for her since it increases her Energy, allowing Lucy to use her Ex Special Attack and activate the Cheer On! status faster. Hormone Punk simply increases her ATK, a stat that affects a lot of Lucy's abilities.
Lucy Disorder Team utilizes Lucy's incredible support ability to enhance her teammates' damage output. Works best with Anomaly attribute agents.
Lucy Premium Team is a mono-Fire team that excels against enemies weak to Fire, leveraging Lucy's support to empower her team.
Lucy's talents priority is as follows:
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
core skill | Upgrading Lucy's Core Skill further buffs the ATK of her Guard Boars. So, this is a top-priority upgrade as well. | |
basic attack | Upgrading Lucy's Basic Attack also upgrades the abilities of her Guard Boars. So, Lucy's Basic Attack should be one of the first abilities you upgrade. | |
special attack | Upgrade Lucy's Special Attack first since it increases the ATK buff that Cheer On! provides. Also, it increases the DMG and Daze of all of her Special Attack variations. | |
assist | There is no harm in raising Lucy's Assist. But, upgrading it has a lower priority compared to her other abilities. | |
chain attack | While Lucy will use her Chain Attack multiple times, her Ultimate is hardly used for damage. | |
dodge | It is seldomly used by Lucy in combat and upgrading its damage is not that important for Lucy's gameplay. |
を押して発動: 前方に最大4段の打撃を放ち、物理属性ダメージと炎属性ダメージを与える。 ルーシーが『通常攻撃』の4段目を発動すると同時に、フィールド上にいる親衛隊のイノシシも『イノシシ親衛隊:回転打法!』を発動する。
を押して発動: 親衛隊のイノシシを呼び戻し、「ライナー」を打つ。親衛隊のイノシシが敵または障害物に命中すると爆発を起こし、炎属性ダメージを与える。 を長押しして発動: 親衛隊のイノシシを呼び戻し、「フライ」を打つ。親衛隊のイノシシが着地すると爆発を起こし、炎属性ダメージを与える。
エネルギーが溜まっている状態で を押して発動: 親衛隊のイノシシを呼び戻し、「ライナー」を打つ。親衛隊のイノシシが敵または障害物に命中すると爆発を起こし、炎属性ダメージを大量に与える。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。 スキルが敵に命中した時、『クイック支援』が発動する。 エネルギーが溜まっている状態で を長押しして発動: 親衛隊のイノシシを呼び戻し、「フライ」を打つ。親衛隊のイノシシが着地すると爆発を起こし、炎属性ダメージを大量に与える。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。 スキルが敵に命中した時、『クイック支援』が発動する。
を押して発動: ダッシュで高速回避する。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。
回避時に を押して発動: 前方に素早く打撃を放ち、物理属性ダメージを与える。
極限回避時に を押して発動: 前方の敵に打撃を放ち、炎属性ダメージを与える。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。
『連携スキル』開始時に、対応するエージェントを選択して発動: ルーシーが飛び上がり、フィールド上にいる親衛隊のイノシシを打って、前方広範囲の敵に炎属性ダメージを大量に与える。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。 スキルが敵に命中した時、『クイック支援』が発動する。
デシベルレートが『Maximum』に達した時に を押して発動: イノシシ親衛隊の全員を順番に打ち出し、前方広範囲の敵に炎属性ダメージを大量に与える。 スキル発動時、チーム内にいるほかの味方がエネルギーを10Pt回復し、次に出場したエージェントはさらに追加で20Pt回復する。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。 スキルが敵に命中した時、『クイック支援』が発動する。
出場中のメンバーが吹き飛ばされた時に、 を押して発動: 前方の敵に打撃を放ち、炎属性ダメージを与える。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。
出場中のメンバーが攻撃されそうになった時に、 を押して発動: 敵の攻撃をパリィし、ブレイク値を大量に蓄積させる。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。
『パリィ支援』発動後、 を押して発動: 前方の敵に打撃を放ち、炎属性ダメージを与える。 スキル発動中、無敵効果を得る。