
Melhor Guia de Time para Gorou no Genshin Impact


Here's an improved overview for Gorou: Gorou Team Overview: Discover the ultimate guide to Gorou's best teams! Gorou is a versatile Support character who excels in providing support to Geo characters. With his powerful Geo DMG Bonus and DEF Bonus, Gorou is a valuable addition to any Geo team. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best teams for Gorou, including Vapourize, Permafrost, and Melt teams. Whether you're looking to optimize your Gorou build or simply want to learn more about this fascinating character, this guide has got you covered. So, get ready to discover the power of Gorou and take your team to the next level!

Gorou Geo Team #1 (Nível S)

Gorou is a support in this team, maximizing the damage output of Itto and Albedo. Itto is the main DPS and uses his continuous charge attack, Arataki Kesagiri, to deal damage. Gorou provides Geo DMG bonus and DEF bonus (when C2), allowing Albedo's Elemental Burst DMG to be maximized. Gorou is also a support, providing Geo DMG bonus and DEF bonus to Itto and Albedo. Zhongli provides a safe environment for the team and increases the ATK of the whole team with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

DPS Principal
Arataki Itto

Arataki Itto


Build de Arataki Itto DPS Principal

Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice Geo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / DEF% / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Itto is the main DPS in this team and mainly uses his continuous charge attack, Arataki Kesagiri, to deal damage. Itto's damage output is maximized by Gorou's support in this team.
DPS Secundário



Build de Albedo DPS Secundário

Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice Geo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / DEF% / DEF / Energy Recharge
Albedo's Elemental Burst DMG is maximized by Gorou's Geo DMG bonus and DEF bonus (when C2) provided in this team, allowing Albedo to deal maximum damage.
DPS Secundário



Build de Gorou DPS Secundário

Pedra Arcaica
Pedra Arcaica
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice DEF%
  • Diadema DEF%
Stats Secundárias:
DEF% / DEF / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Gorou is a support in this team and provides Geo DMG bonus and DEF bonus to Itto and Albedo, especially when C6, maximizing their damage output.
DPS Secundário



Build de Zhongli DPS Secundário

Millelith Firmes
Millelith Firmes
Stats Principais:
  • Areias HP%
  • Cálice HP%
  • Diadema HP%
Stats Secundárias:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli provides a safe environment for the team and increases the ATK of the whole team with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith, making him a valuable addition to the team.

Gorou Pure Geo Team (Nível S)

This team is focused on utilizing Gorou's powerful support abilities to maximize the damage output of Itto and Noelle. Gorou provides Geo DMG Bonus, DEF Bonus, and an increase in ATK when C6. The team also features Zhongli, who provides a safe environment for the team members and increases their overall ATK with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

DPS Principal
Arataki Itto

Arataki Itto


Build de Arataki Itto DPS Principal

Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice Geo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / DEF% / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Itto is the main DPS of the team and primarily uses his continuous Charge Attack - Arataki Kesagiri to deal DMG. During Elemental Burst CD, Itto is switched to Noelle for more damage output.
DPS Secundário



Build de Noelle DPS Secundário

Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF% / DEF%
  • Cálice Geo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Noelle is switched from Itto when Itto's Elemental Burst is on CD. She provides support for the team and can be used to trigger additional effects such as Pyro and Electro reactions.
DPS Secundário



Build de Gorou DPS Secundário

Pedra Arcaica
Pedra Arcaica
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice DEF%
  • Diadema DEF%
Stats Secundárias:
DEF% / DEF / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Gorou is a support in this team and provides Geo DMG Bonus, DEF Bonus, and an increase in ATK when C6. He can also trigger Elemental Skill reactions and provide additional support for the team.
DPS Secundário



Build de Zhongli DPS Secundário

Millelith Firmes
Millelith Firmes
Stats Principais:
  • Areias HP%
  • Cálice HP%
  • Diadema HP%
Stats Secundárias:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli is a defensive character in this team and provides a safe environment for the team members with his shield. He also increases the team's overall ATK with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

Gorou Geo Team (Nível S)

This team specializes in Geo-based reactions and has Gorou as the main support character, who maximizes Itto and Albedo's damage output. Itto is the main DPS who uses his continuous Charge Attack - Arataki Kesagiri to deal damage, while Albedo's Elemental Burst DMG is maximized by Gorou's Geo DMG Bonus and DEF Bonus when C2. Gorou is a support who provides Geo DMG Bonus, especially with C6, and DEF Bonus to the team. Jean is a healer who can assist the team by reducing enemies' Elemental Resistance with her abilities.

DPS Principal
Arataki Itto

Arataki Itto


Build de Arataki Itto DPS Principal

Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice Geo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / DEF% / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Itto is the main DPS of the team who uses his continuous Charge Attack - Arataki Kesagiri to deal damage. He is a strong character who can deal high amounts of damage in a short period of time, making him a valuable addition to the team.
DPS Secundário



Build de Albedo DPS Secundário

Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice Geo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / DEF% / DEF / Energy Recharge
Albedo's Elemental Burst DMG is maximized by Gorou's Geo DMG Bonus and DEF Bonus when C2. Albedo is a powerful character who can deal a lot of damage with his Elemental Burst, and Gorou's support abilities make him even more deadly. He is a valuable addition to the team.
DPS Secundário



Build de Gorou DPS Secundário

Pedra Arcaica
Pedra Arcaica
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Casca de Sonhos Opulentos
Stats Principais:
  • Areias DEF%
  • Cálice DEF%
  • Diadema DEF%
Stats Secundárias:
DEF% / DEF / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Gorou is a support in this team who provides Geo DMG Bonus, especially with C6, and DEF Bonus to the team. He is a strong character who can provide a lot of support to the team, making him an essential member of the team.



Build de Jean Suporte

Sombra Verde
Sombra Verde
Stats Principais:
  • Areias ATK%
  • Cálice Anemo DMG
  • Diadema CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Stats Secundárias:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Jean is a healer in the team who can assist the team by reducing enemies' Elemental Resistance with her abilities. She is a strong character who can keep the team alive during tough battles, making her an essential member of the team.