Genshin Impact Aloy Oluşturma

En İyi Aloy Oluşturmaları

Önerilen Birincil İstatistikler
Saldırı% / Element Ustalığı
Buz Hasarı Bonusu
Kritik Oranı / Kritik Hasar
Alt İstatistik Önceliği
Yetenek Önceliği
Aloy is much preferred as a Burst Support over Main DPS as getting coil stacks for her Cryo infusion can be quite unreliable. Aloy needs 4 coil stacks to get the Cryo infusion and you can only get 1 stack every 0.1 seconds which is quite hard to do considering the Bomblets are scattered all over the place. One thing to note regarding Aloy's coil stacks is that she can still get coil stacks even when she's off-field.
Aloy is very niche as she only performs well in certain comps and even then, she's still completely replaceable by other characters. She can be utilized on a Freeze team where she can be a battery and nuke at the same time since she provides 5 Cryo particles on her Elemental Skill. She can also be utilized on a Melt team where you can melt her Elemental Burst for quite a decent amount of damage.
Regarding Weapon Choice:
- Polar Star: Forcing to get Polar Star stacks isn't worth due to consuming extra time to get those stacks.
- The Stringless: Placement was considering Aloy is used on a Reverse Melt team. On Reverse Melt Aloy Stringless, especially at higher refinement levels, can pull ahead of Thundering Pulse.
- Prototype Crescent: Assumes the passive is active by proccing a weak point shot. This weapon especially at higher refinement levels can be as good as Skyward Harp.
- Sacrificial Bow: A pretty decent option to make Aloy a Cryo battery as her Elemental Skill provides 5 Cryo particles.
Regarding Artifact Sets:
- Blizzard Strayer (4): This artifact set is best used on a Freeze-focused Aloy as it provides a ton of Crit Value.
- +80 EM set (2): This artifact set bonus only benefits a Melt-focused Aloy, Elemental Mastery provides nothing on a Freeze Aloy.
- Noblesse Oblige (4): Aloy is one of the best Noblesse Oblige (4) holders since she has low energy requirements and cooldown for her Elemental Burst.
Regarding Artifact Main Stat and Substats Priority: Elemental Mastery is only an option if your Aloy is played on a Reverse Melt team as it provides nothing to a Freeze Aloy.
Topluluktan En Çok Kullanılan Yapı

En İyi Aloy Takımları
Aloy Becerileri

Pasif Yetenek

Bitmeyen Savaş
Yükseliş Aşaması 1

Güçlü Vuruş
Yükseliş Aşaması 4

Yavaş Yavaş

Başka Dünyadan Bir Yıldız
Takımyıldızı Sv. 1

Başka Dünyadan Bir Yıldız
Takımyıldızı Sv. 2

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Takımyıldızı Sv. 3

Başka Dünyadan Bir Yıldız
Takımyıldızı Sv. 4

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Başka Dünyadan Bir Yıldız
Takımyıldızı Sv. 6
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