Genshin Impact 호두 빌드
최고의 호두 빌드
DPS 빌드
권장 기본 통계
HP% / 원소 마스터리
불 원소 피해 보너스
치명타 확률 / 치명타 피해
하위 통계 우선 순위
When ending Hu Tao's combos with an Elemental Burst, if you do not jump/dash cancel the last charged attack, the Elemental Burst will still benefit from Hu Tao's Elemental Skill.
It is recommended to use cancels when performing your Hu Tao combos as to maximize damage.
For Hu Tao combos, the following patterns can be used:
- N2CJ for C0
- N2CD for C1
- N3CJ/N3CD can be used to conserve stamina at the cost of damage
- N = Normal Attack
- C = Charged Attack
- J = Jump
- D = Dash
재능 우선
Hu Tao is most effective when used with Xingqiu to proc Vaporize/Freeze Melt reactions. Freeze Melt refers to freezing enemies for Melt set up, since unlike Diluc or Klee, Hu Tao doesn't shatter frozen enemies.
Weapon Choices:
- Staff of the Scarlet Sands: When using this weapon, Gilded Dreams (4) becomes competitive with Crimson Witch of Flames (4) for being Hu Tao's best artifact set.
- Ballad of the Fjords and Lithic Spear (4 Stacks): At [R5], these weapons are better than Staff of the Scarlet Sands.
- Primordial Jade Winged-Spear: Is better than the [R1] variants of Dragon's Bane and Deathmatch with ideal stacking. While this is a very strong weapon when fully stacked, maintaining the stacks on Hu Tao isn't ideal in realistic situations making the weapon less consistent than other options.
- Deathmatch: This weapon is better than Dragon's Bane when you're not doing Vaporize.
- Blackcliff Pole: Despite seeming quite good due to the Crit DMG substat, Blackcliff Pole at 1 stack performs only slightly better than an [R5] White Tassel in practice as it is difficult to maintain stacks consistently. It is not recommended to buy this weapon specifically for Hu Tao and should only be used if you already have one.
- White Tassel: This weapon prefers an N2C combo over an N1C combo.
Artifact Sets:
- Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4): Provides higher Normal and Charged Attack damage than Crimson Witch of Flames (4), but reduces Elemental Burst damage, impacting overall AoE damage. Additionally, if you're unable to burst, it might lead to survivability issues unless you're running a healer.
- Gilded Dreams (4): At 3 EM stacks, this artifact set is equal to Crimson Witch of Flames (4) in teams where you are not getting EM from other sources (e.g team or weapon).
- Retracing Bolide (4) and Crimson Witch of Flames (2) / Tenacity of the Millelith (2) + 80 EM set (2): All these options are almost on equal footing because both of the sets have an equal overall damage output assuming you have 100% shield uptime when using Retracing Bolide (4). The difference is, you want to use +80 EM set (2) / +20% HP (2) / Crimson's Witch of Flame (2) when focusing on Nuking and better consistency, while Retracing Bolide (4) is for overall higher NA/CA damage at the expense of lower burst damage, although inconsistent if you cannot keep your shield permanently.
- Marechaussee Hunter (4): This is Hu Tao's best set when you can reliably get 3 stacks, which typically requires running Furina.
Artifact Substats Priority: Since Hu Tao is able to trigger Vaporize on most of her damage output, Elemental Mastery is quite valuable on her. If you have less than 100EM total (including from Sucrose EM share, Instructor (4), etc) EM substats take priority over Crit Rate / DMG.
커뮤니티에서 가장 많이 사용된 빌드
최고의 호두 팀
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수동적인 재능
모습을 감춘 나비
승천 단계 1
핏빛 분장
승천 단계 4
진홍의 꽃다발
별자리 Lv. 1
비처럼 내리는 불안
별자리 Lv. 2
또한 평안의 서는 명중 시 적에게 혈매향 효과를 부여한다
적색 피의 의식
별자리 Lv. 3
최대 Lv.15까지 상승
영원한 안식의 정원
별자리 Lv. 4
꽃잎 향초의 기도
별자리 Lv. 5
최대 Lv.15까지 상승
나비 잔향
별자리 Lv. 6
호두는 해당 피해로 전투 불능 상태에 빠지지 않고 다음 10초 동안 호두의 모든 원소 내성과 물리 내성이 200% 증가한다. 동시에 치명타 확률이 100% 증가하고, 경직 저항력이 대폭 증가한다.
해당 효과는 호두의 HP가 1일 때 자동으로 발동된다.
해당 효과는 60초마다 1회만 발동한다
승천 재료
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원소 꽃꿀
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원소 꽃꿀
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