
원신의 설탕 최고 팀 가이드


Sucrose Team Overview Sucrose is a versatile character who can be played as a support DPS or a main DPS, depending on the team composition and build. As a support DPS, Sucrose excels in providing healing and crowd control, making her a valuable addition to any team. On the other hand, as a main DPS, Sucrose can deal significant damage and can take down enemies quickly. Sucrose's best team can vary depending on the build and playstyle. However, she is generally best used in teams that focus on elemental reactions, such as the Pyro team, the Anemo team, or the Electro team. Sucrose's Elemental Skill, "Swirl," can also be used in teams that focus on swirling reactions, such as the Anemo team or the Hydro team. In addition to elemental reactions, Sucrose can also be used in teams that focus on physical reactions, such as the Geo team or the Cryo team. Sucrose's elemental burst, "Swirl," can also be used in teams that focus on physical reactions, such as the An

Sucrose Vaporize Team #1 (티어 S)

Sucrose is a Support in this team, whose Bonus maximizes the Vaporization DMG of the whole team. Xiangling and Bennett allow the team to trigger Vaporization all the time, while Tartaglia is the main DPS and Xiangling's Elemental Burst provides huge DMG and continuous Pyro element attachment for Tartaglia to trigger Vaporization. Sucrose can group enemies together, apply crowd control, provide DMG buff to teammates and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies, while Bennett's Elemental Burst provides huge ATK buff and healing to other members.

메인 DPS



타르탈리아의 메인 DPS 빌드

몰락한 마음
몰락한 마음
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Tartaglia is a main DPS, whose DMG is amplified by the Vaporization in this team. With his Pyro element, he can trigger Vaporization with ease, making him a valuable addition to the team
서브 DPS



향릉의 서브 DPS 빌드

절연의 기치
절연의 기치
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK% / Energy Recharge
  • Pyro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Xiangling is a DPS, whose Elemental Burst provides huge amount of DMG and continuous Pyro element attachment for Tartaglia to trigger Vaporization. With her Pyro element, she can easily attach Pyro element to enemies, making it easier for Tartaglia to trigger Vaporization
서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is a Support, who can assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies. With her Pyro element, she can trigger Vaporization as well, making her a valuable addition to the team
서브 DPS



베넷의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Bennett is a Support, whose Elemental Burst provides huge ATK buff and healing to other members. With his Pyro element, he can trigger Vaporization as well, making him a valuable addition to the team

Sucrose Vaporize Team #2 (티어 S)

A team that focuses on maximizing Vaporization damage with Sucrose's C6 bonus. Sucrose acts as a support character and can group enemies together, apply crowd control, and provide DMG buffs to teammates. Hu Tao is the main DPS and her Pyro DMG is amplified by the Vaporization in this team. Xingqiu's Hydro DMG is amplified by the Vaporization and can continuously attach the Hydro element to enemies, allowing for a reaction with Hu Tao's Pyro DMG to trigger Melt. Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases the ATK of the whole team by using the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

메인 DPS



호두의 메인 DPS 빌드

불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP% / Elemental Mastery
  • Pyro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Elemental Mastery / ATK%
Hu Tao is the main DPS in this team. Her Pyro DMG is amplified by the Vaporization in this team, making her a formidable attacker. She can also provide a small amount of Pyro DMG to enemies with her Pyro DMG reaction, which further enhances the team's damage output. Additionally, her abilities can provide crowd control and healing to the team, making her a valuable member of the squad. Hu Tao's Pyro DMG is amplified by the Vaporization in this team, making her a formidable attacker. She can also provide a small amount of Pyro DMG to enemies with her Pyro DMG reaction, which further enhances the team's damage output. Additionally, her abilities can provide crowd control and healing to the team, making her a valuable member of the squad.
서브 DPS



행추의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Xingqiu is a Hydro support character in this team. Her Elemental Burst can attach the Hydro element to enemies continuously, allowing for a reaction with Hu Tao's Pyro DMG to trigger Melt. Xingqiu's Elemental Burst can attach the Hydro element to enemies continuously, allowing for a reaction with Hu Tao's Pyro DMG to trigger Melt. This reaction amplifies the damage of Xingqiu's Hydro DMG, making her a valuable contributor to the team's damage output. Additionally, her abilities can provide healing and crowd control to the team, making her a valuable member of the squad.
서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is a Support character in this team. She can group enemies together, apply crowd control, provide DMG buffs to teammates, and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies. Sucrose is a Support character in this team. She can group enemies together, apply crowd control, provide DMG buffs to teammates, and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies. Her abilities can also provide Pyro DMG to enemies, further enhancing the team's damage output. Sucrose's C6 bonus also maximizes the Vaporization DMG of the whole team, making her a valuable member of the squad.
서브 DPS



종려의 서브 DPS 빌드

견고한 천암
견고한 천암
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli is a Geo support character in this team. His shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases the ATK of the whole team by using the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith. Zhongli is a Geo support character in this team. His shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases the ATK of the whole team by using the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith. This allows the team to focus on dealing damage without worrying about taking damage from enemies. Additionally, Zhongli's abilities can provide healing and crowd control to the team, making him a valuable member of the squad.

Sucrose Overload Team (티어 S)

A dynamic team that specializes in triggering Overload reactions through the unique combination of Electro and Pyro elements. Sucrose serves as the support, while Raiden Shogun and Kujou Sara act as the main DPSes. Bennet provides crowd control and healing support, while Sucrose assists with grouping enemies and reducing Elemental Resistance. Together, this team is a formidable force to be reckoned with in Genshin Impact gameplay.

메인 DPS
라이덴 쇼군

라이덴 쇼군


라이덴 쇼군의 메인 DPS 빌드

절연의 기치
절연의 기치
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • ATK%
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun is a powerful Main DPS in this team, with high damage output from her Electro element. Her Elemental Burst is energy-consuming, which allows her to maximize the damage of her teammates' Elemental Bursts when used in conjunction with Kujou Sara's Electro CRIT DMG Bonus. Raiden Shogun can also boost the Energy Recharge of her teammates and increase the damage of their Elemental Bursts with her Elemental Skill, making her a versatile and all-arounded DPS. Her Electro DMG reacts with Pyro attachment from Bennett to trigger Overload reactions, making her a crucial component of the team's strategy.
서브 DPS
쿠죠 사라

쿠죠 사라

성좌 6+

쿠죠 사라의 서브 DPS 빌드

절연의 기치
절연의 기치
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Electro DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Kujou Sara is a versatile Support in this team, with a variety of abilities that can benefit both her teammates and herself. Her Elemental Burst requires a high amount of energy, which makes her best teammate for Raiden Shogun's Elemental Burst. Kujou Sara's Elemental Burst can boost the CRIT DMG of Electro DMG of Raiden Shogun, and the high energy consumption of her Elemental Burst maximizes the damage of Raiden Shogun's Elemental Burst. Additionally, C6 Kujou Sara's Elemental Burst provides an ATK boost to her teammates, making her a valuable asset in both offensive and defensive situations.
서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose serves as the support in this team, with a variety of abilities that can assist her teammates in combat. She can group enemies together, apply crowd control, provide DMG buff to teammates, and reduce the Elemental Resistance of enemies. Sucrose's unique combination of Pyro and Hydro elements allows her to trigger Overload reactions with Raiden Shogun's Electro DMG, making her a crucial component of the team's strategy.
서브 DPS



베넷의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Bennett is a versatile Support in this team, with a variety of abilities that can benefit both his teammates and himself. His Elemental Burst provides a huge ATK boost and healing to other members, making him a valuable asset in both offensive and defensive situations. Additionally, Bennett's Pyro element can trigger Overload reactions with Raiden Shogun's Electro DMG, making him a crucial component of the team's strategy.

Sucrose Overload Team (티어 A)

This team features Sucrose as the main support, along with Yoimiya as the main DPS and Bennett as a healer. The team's composition allows for frequent Overload reactions, triggered by Yoimiya's Pyro attachment reacting with Electro attachment from Raiden Shogun. Sucrose assists the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates, and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies. Bennett's Elemental Burst provides huge ATK buff and healing to other members, making this team a formidable force in battles.

메인 DPS



요이미야의 메인 DPS 빌드

추억의 시메나와
추억의 시메나와
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • ATK%
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Yoimiya is the main DPS of the team, providing continuous Pyro attachment reactions to trigger Overload and Vaporization. She can also provide cleansing and elemental reactions to enemies, making her a valuable asset to the team.
메인 DPS
라이덴 쇼군

라이덴 쇼군


라이덴 쇼군의 메인 DPS 빌드

절연의 기치
절연의 기치
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • ATK%
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun's Elemental Skill provides continuous Electro attachment at backstage, which works with Yoimiya's Pyro attachment to trigger Overload reactions. She can also provide elemental reactions to enemies and can shield her allies, making her a versatile and powerful character in the team.
서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose can assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates, and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies. She can also provide healing to her teammates and can create a shield to protect them from damage.
서브 DPS



베넷의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Bennett's Elemental Burst provides huge ATK buff and healing to other members, making him a valuable healer and support in the team. He can also apply elemental reactions to enemies and can provide elemental energy to his teammates, making him a versatile and powerful character.

Icy Support Squad (티어 S)

This team is a powerful combination of elemental reactions and crowd control, led by Sucrose, the support character. Ayaka and Mona use their elemental abilities to trigger the Freezing reaction, while Diona provides a safe environment and boosts the recharge of Ayaka's elemental burst. Sucrose also helps the team by grouping enemies, providing crowd control, and buffing teammates with DMG while reducing the elemental resistance of enemies. This team is perfect for players looking to take down enemies quickly and efficiently with a mix of elemental reactions and crowd control abilities. With their powerful abilities, this team is sure to be a valuable addition to any player's collection of characters. Let's give it a try!

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야카

카미사토 아야카


카미사토 아야카의 메인 DPS 빌드

얼음바람 속에서 길잃은 용사
얼음바람 속에서 길잃은 용사
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Cryo DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ayaka is a Pyro character who deals damage with her elemental burst and reacts with Hydro attachment from Mona to trigger the Freezing reaction, which slows down enemies and makes them vulnerable to attacks. Ayaka's ability to use both Pyro and Cryo reactions makes her a versatile and valuable member of the team, as she can switch between two different types of damage and use them to take down enemies quickly and efficiently. With her powerful abilities, Ayaka is sure to be a valuable addition to any team looking to take down enemies with a mix of Pyro and Cryo reactions. Let's give her a try!
서브 DPS



모나의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Hydro DMG
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Mona is a Hydro character who deals damage with her elemental burst and attaches the Hydro element to enemies with the aid of Sucrose. Mona's ability to provide a DMG increase and trigger the Freezing reaction with Ayaka's Cryo DMG makes her a valuable member of the team, as she can help take down enemies quickly and efficiently. Mona's ability to use both Hydro and Pyro reactions also makes her a versatile character, as she can switch between two different types of damage and use them to take down enemies with ease. With her powerful abilities, Mona is sure to be a valuable addition to any team looking to take down enemies with a mix of Hydro and Pyro reactions. Let's give her a try!
서브 DPS



디오나의 서브 DPS 빌드

사랑받는 소녀
사랑받는 소녀
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Diona is a Geo character who provides a safe environment for the team and boosts the recharge of Ayaka's elemental burst. Diona's ability to provide a shield that protects the team from damage and to provide a boost to Ayaka's elemental burst makes her a valuable member of the team, as she can help the team take down enemies quickly and efficiently. Diona's ability to use both Pyro and Cryo reactions also makes her a versatile character, as she can switch between two different types of damage and use them to take down enemies with ease. With her powerful abilities, Diona is sure to be a valuable addition to any team looking to take down enemies with a mix of Pyro and Cryo reactions. Let's give her a try!
서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is a Support character who assists the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates and reducing the elemental resistance of enemies. Sucrose's ability to use both Pyro and Hydro reactions makes her a versatile character, as she can switch between two different types of damage and use them to take down enemies with ease. Sucrose's ability to provide a DMG buff to teammates also makes her a valuable member of the team, as she can help take down enemies quickly and efficiently. With her powerful abilities, Sucrose is sure to be a valuable addition to any team looking to take down enemies with a mix of Pyro and Hydro reactions. Let's give her a try!

Electro-Charged Swirl Team (티어 A)

This team features a unique combination of Electro and Anemo elements, making it a powerful force in combat. Sucrose, the Main DPS, reduces the cooldown of her Electro Skill with her Normal Attack, while Oz provides continuous Electro attachment even at backstage. Yelan, as the Sub DPS, provides continuous Hydro attack off-field and reacts with Fiscal and Kuki to trigger Electro Charged. Kuki, as the Healer, triggers Hyperbloom by using her Electro Skill to activate the cores, maximizing the DMG of Electro-Charged with her high Mastery level. With this team composition, players can expect to see significant damage output and crowd control capabilities in battle. } ,

서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is a highly skilled Main DPS in the team, able to reduce the cooldown of her Electro Skill through her Normal Attack. Her powerful attacks can also reduce the enemy's elemental resistance, making it easier to trigger Electro-Charged attacks from other team members. Sucrose is also known for her ability to provide support to her teammates through her Elemental Skill, making her a valuable asset in any battle. } ,
서브 DPS



피슬의 서브 DPS 빌드

번개 같은 분노
번개 같은 분노
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery / Electro DMG
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Oz is a versatile Sub DPS in the team, able to provide continuous Electro attachment even at backstage. His Electro attachments can trigger Electro-Charged attacks from other team members, making him a valuable support character. Oz is also known for his ability to provide crowd control capabilities through his Electro attacks, making him an essential member of the team. } ,
서브 DPS



야란의 서브 DPS 빌드

절연의 기치
절연의 기치
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • Hydro DMG
부가 스탯:
HP% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Yelan is a skilled Sub DPS in the team, able to provide continuous Hydro attack off-field. Her Hydro attacks can trigger Electro-Charged attacks from other team members through her reactions with Fiscal and Kuki. Yelan is also known for her ability to provide support to her teammates through her Elemental Skill, making her a valuable asset in any battle. } ,
쿠키 시노부

쿠키 시노부

성좌 2+

쿠키 시노부의 서포트 빌드

도금된 꿈
도금된 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Kuki is a highly skilled Healer in the team, able to trigger Hyperbloom by using her Electro Skill to activate the cores. Her high Mastery level allows her to maximize the DMG of Electro-Charged attacks, making her a valuable asset in any battle. Kuki is also known for her ability to provide support to her teammates through her Elemental Skill, making her a valuable asset in any battle. }

Raiden Hyperbloom Team (티어 S)

Raiden Shogun is the main DPS in the team, with his Electro DMG triggering Hyperbloom and Electro-Charged reactions. Sucrose serves as the Sub DPS and assists the team with grouping enemies, applying crowd control, providing DMG buffs to teammates, and reducing elemental resistance of enemies. Kokomi and Nahida also provide support to the team with their elemental reactions and abilities.

산고노미야 코코미

산고노미야 코코미


산고노미야 코코미의 서포트 빌드

바다에 물든 거대 조개
바다에 물든 거대 조개
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • Healing Bonus
부가 스탯:
HP% / Elemental Mastery / HP / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Kokomi is the main DPS in the team, with her Elemental Burst dealing DMG depending on her Max HP% and triggering Hyperbloom with her Elemental Skill and Normal Attack. She also uses her Elemental Skill to create Dendro Cores that trigger Hyperbloom. Kokomi's elemental reactions and abilities also provide support to the team with her DMG buffs and elemental reactions.
서브 DPS



나히다의 서브 DPS 빌드

숲의 기억
숲의 기억
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Elemental Mastery / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Nahida is a main DPS in the team, dealing DMG with her Elemental Skill that connects up to 8 enemies and triggers Dendro DMG. Her Elemental Burst buffs her Elemental Skill based on the element of her teammates. Nahida's elemental reactions and abilities also trigger Catalyze to maximize the team's DMG. She also applies crowd control to enemies with her abilities.
서브 DPS
라이덴 쇼군

라이덴 쇼군


라이덴 쇼군의 서브 DPS 빌드

도금된 꿈
도금된 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun is the sub-DPS in the team, dealing DMG with her Electro DMG that triggers Electro-Charged reactions and triggering Hyperbloom with Dendro Cores. Raiden Shogun's elemental reactions and abilities also provide support to the team with her elemental reactions and abilities.
서브 DPS



설탕의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose serves as a support DPS in the team, using her abilities to group enemies together, apply crowd control, provide DMG buffs to teammates, and reduce elemental resistance of enemies. Sucrose's elemental reactions and abilities also provide support to the team with her elemental reactions and abilities.