Genshin Impact Ganyu Oluşturma
En İyi Ganyu Oluşturmaları
Önerilen Birincil İstatistikler
Element Ustalığı / Saldırı%
Buz Hasarı Bonusu
Kritik Oranı / Kritik Hasar
Alt İstatistik Önceliği
In certain teams and situations, using Ganyu's Elemental Burst can be detrimental to overall damage as it steals Pyro aura, reducing the effectiveness of Cryo application and subsequent CA melts.
Yetenek Önceliği
Önerilen Birincil İstatistikler
Buz Hasarı Bonusu
Kritik Hasar
Alt İstatistik Önceliği
Avoid overcapping on Crit Rate, aiming for a range of 25-45%, as Ganyu's A1 passive only benefits her Charged Shot and subsequent Blooms.
Yetenek Önceliği
Önerilen Birincil İstatistikler
Saldırı% / Enerji Yüklemesi
Buz Hasarı Bonusu
Kritik Oranı / Kritik Hasar
Alt İstatistik Önceliği
When using her Elemental Burst, place her Elemental Skill within the AoE to taunt enemies and keep them inside the zone for constant damage. Ensure enemies are hit by both the initial damage and the explosion damage from her skill, as both contribute to regenerating energy for her Elemental Burst.
Yetenek Önceliği
MELT DPS Ganyu's Level 2 Charged Shot applies two instances of Cryo, as they do not share the same ICD, allowing for two Melt reactions to be triggered for both damage instances. Charged Attack will be the majority of her damage output, with Skill and Burst damage contribution often being neglected in most scenarios. Regarding Weapon Choices: - Amos' Bow: An excellent choice for Ganyu, as her Level 2 Charged Shot Bloom extends arrow flight duration, and three stacks of Amos' Bow passive can be obtained even at point-blank range. - Hamayumi: Due to its passive, Hamayumi prefers Wanderer's Troupe (4) instead. At higher refinements, Hamayumi can outperform Thundering Pulse and Skyward Harp. - Scion of the Blazing Sun: At R5, Scion of the Blazing Sun can outperform Thundering Pulse and Skyward Harp. - Prototype Crescent: At higher refinement levels with good uptime on its passive, it can potentially be on par with Skyward Harp. However, its performance is affected by the availability of weak spots for headshots. Regarding Artifact Sets: - Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4) and Wanderer's Troupe (4): If five Charged Attacks can be squeezed during the 10-second buff duration, Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4) pulls ahead of Wanderer's Troupe (4). However, due to the difficulty of achieving this, Wanderer's Troupe (4) usually deals more damage for most players. Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4) remains the better set to farm due to its resin efficiency. Regarding Talent Priority: - Ganyu's Elemental Burst is low priority on a Melt Build, as it often isn't cast to avoid stealing the Melt reaction. FREEZE DPS Freeze Ganyu provides many i-frames by spamming Elemental Burst from all party members off cooldown. Ganyu's Elemental Burst can deal significant damage based on enemy grouping, due to its quadratic scaling. Regarding Weapon Choices: - Polar Star: This weapon is harder to optimize due to its high Crit Rate stat, but performs similarly to The First Great Magic when optimized properly. - Aqua Simulacra: With the Crit stats from Blizzard Strayer (4), Ganyu's ascension passive, and this weapon, an ATK% circlet can be considered, especially if it has better substats than the Crit DMG one. - Amos' Bow: In quickswap-heavy rotations, this weapon performs worse than other 5-star options listed. - Prototype Crescent: Similar to the Melt Build, this weapon at higher refinement levels and good passive uptime can pull ahead of some 5-star options like Thundering Pulse and Skyward Harp. However, its performance is affected by the availability of weak spots for headshots. Regarding Artifact Sets: - Blizzard Strayer (4): This set is ideal for a Freeze team comp due to its huge stats. OFF-FIELD DPS Off-field DPS Ganyu shines on a Freeze comp, with 100% Elemental Burst uptime and her Elemental Burst buffing party members' Cryo Damage. Regarding Weapon Choices: - Prototype Crescent: This weapon might pull ahead of other options if the buff is activated before casting Elemental Burst. - Elegy for the End: Offers party-wide Elemental Mastery and ATK buff, suitable for reaction-heavy team comps. Regarding Artifact Sets: - Blizzard Strayer (4): This set offers huge stats, suitable for a Freeze team. - Noblesse Oblige (4): This set provides Ganyu with more utility, allowing her to buff the party's ATK by 20%.
Topluluktan En Çok Kullanılan Yapı
En İyi Ganyu Takımları
Ganyu Becerileri
Pasif Yetenek
Tek Yürek
Yükseliş Aşaması 1
Yerin ve Göğün Uyumu
Yükseliş Aşaması 4
Avlanmaya Hazır
Çiy Tadı
Takımyıldızı Sv. 1
İsabet eden oklar, Ganyu için 2 Enerji yeniler. Bu etki her 2. Yük Seviyesindeki Buzdan Ok başına yalnızca bir defa uygulanabilir ve Buzdan Okun veya Çiçeğinin hedefe isabet edip etmemesine göre değişmez.
Bahtı Açık
Takımyıldızı Sv. 2
Bulut Hareketi
Takımyıldızı Sv. 3
Maksimum yükseltme seviyesi 15'tir.
Batıya Yolculuk
Takımyıldızı Sv. 4
Alınan Hasardaki artış %5 ile başlar, her 3 saniyede %5 artar. Maksimum %25'e çıkabilir.
Bu etki, düşman Etki Alanından çıktıktan sonra 3sn daha sürer.
Takımyıldızı Sv. 5
Maksimum yükseltme seviyesi 15'tir.
Takımyıldızı Sv. 6
Yükseliş Malzemeleri
Shivada Yeşimi Tozu
Yalancı Çiçek Nektarı
Shivada Yeşimi Kırıntısı
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Yalancı Çiçek Nektarı
Shivada Yeşimi Kırıntısı
Kırağı Çekirdeği
Parıltılı Nektar
Shivada Yeşimi Parçası
Kırağı Çekirdeği
Parıltılı Nektar
Shivada Yeşimi Parçası
Kırağı Çekirdeği
Enerji Nektarı
Shivada Yeşimi Külçesi
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Çalışkanlık Felsefesi
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Savaşçının Gölgesi
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