카미사토 아야토

원신의 카미사토 아야토 최고 팀 가이드


Improved overview: Ayato Team Overview: This page offers the most comprehensive information on Ayato's team composition and build strategies. Ayato can be used as a DPS in most situations, and his DPS build is generally the most effective. However, you can also swap his position with Xingqiu to create your own unique team composition. From SS tier to S tier, Ayato's best team can be formed in a variety of ways, including Vapourize, Permafrost, and Melt teams. Depending on your build and character preferences, you can choose the best team that suits your playstyle and strategy. Ayato's versatility as a DPS makes him a valuable addition to any team, and his powerful elemental reactions can help you take down enemies quickly and efficiently. With the right team composition and build strategy, Ayato can be a formidable force in Genshin Impact.

Ayato Hyperbloom team (티어 S)

Ayato, the Main DPS in this team, utilizes the Hydro Element from Nahida to trigger the Bloom reaction, producing Dendro Cores. Meanwhile, Kuki's Electro Element is used to trigger Hyperbloom. Kazuha assists the team by grouping enemies, applying crowd control, providing buffs, and reducing enemy Elemental Resistance. Kuki, in addition to being a healer, plays a crucial role in activating Hyperbloom with her Electro Skill. Maximizing her Mastery increases the significant damage dealt by Hyperbloom.

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato is the Main DPS in this team, utilizing continuous Hydro attacks that react with the Electro element applied by Kuki to enemies. He deals significant damage to enemies with his attacks, making him a valuable asset to the team.
서브 DPS



나히다의 서브 DPS 빌드

숲의 기억
숲의 기억
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Elemental Mastery / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Nahida serves as the Main DPS in this team, dealing DMG through her Elemental Skill which connects up to 8 enemies at maximum and triggers elemental reactions. Her Elemental Burst is enhanced by the presence of two Electro and one Hydro characters in the team, increasing its duration. She also buffs her Elemental Skill based on the element of her teammates, making her an essential element for the team's success.
서브 DPS
카에데하라 카즈하

카에데하라 카즈하


카에데하라 카즈하의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Kazuha plays a supporting role in this team, assisting by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing buffs to teammates, and reducing the enemy's Elemental Resistance. Her Pyro Element provides significant damage and support to the team, making her an important asset to the team's success.
쿠키 시노부

쿠키 시노부

성좌 2+

쿠키 시노부의 서포트 빌드

도금된 꿈
도금된 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Kuki serves as the healer in this team, utilizing her Electro Element to trigger Hyperbloom by activating the cores. She plays a crucial role in activating the Hyperbloom reaction, maximizing her Mastery to significantly increase the damage dealt by the Hyperbloom. Her support as a healer is also essential to the team's success.

Ayato Flame and Bloom (티어 S)

Ayato is a Main DPS in this team. Dendro Element from Nahida reacts with Hydro Element from Kokomi to trigger Bloom which produces Dendro Cores. Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for the team, and his Elemental Burst activates the cores to trigger Burgeon. When Thoma's shield is obtained or refreshed, Ayato's Normal Attacks deal an extra Pyro DMG, which is the trigger for Burgeon. The team's main role is to deal damage and provide support for the team members through elemental reactions and buffs with Thoma's Elemental Burst and Nahida's Elemental Skill and Burst.

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato is the Main DPS in this team. With Thoma's shield in effect, Ayato's Normal Attacks deal AoE Pyro DMG and activate the cores to trigger Burgeon. Ayato's Normal Attacks also have Pyro element that reacts with the Dendro and Hydro elements of the team to produce more Dendro Cores and increase the damage output of the team. At C6, Ayato's Normal Attacks deal 15% more damage when the shield is obtained or refreshed, providing a safe environment for the team and an additional source of damage for the team.
서브 DPS



야란의 서브 DPS 빌드

절연의 기치
절연의 기치
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • Hydro DMG
부가 스탯:
HP% / Energy Recharge / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Yelan is the Sub DPS in this team. Yelan can provide continuous Hydro attack off-field which reacts with Dendro element from Nahida to trigger Blooming which produces cores. Yelan's Hydro attacks also have a Pyro element that reacts with the Dendro and Hydro elements of the team to produce more Dendro Cores and increase the damage output of the team. At C6, Yelan's Hydro attacks deal 20% more damage when the shield is obtained or refreshed, providing an additional source of damage for the team and increasing the team's overall damage output.
서브 DPS



나히다의 서브 DPS 빌드

숲의 기억
숲의 기억
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Elemental Mastery / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Nahida mainly deals DMG by her Elemental Skill, which connects 8 enemies at maximum and deals Dendro DMG to them while triggering elemental reactions. The Elemental Burst of Nahida buffs her Elemental Skill depends on the Element of her teammates. As there are two Hydro and one Pyro Characters in this team, the duration of her Elemental Burst is increased. Nahida's Elemental Skill also has a Pyro element that reacts with the Dendro and Hydro elements of the team to produce more Dendro Cores and increase the damage output of the team. At C6, Nahida's Elemental Skill deals 25% more damage when the shield is obtained or refreshed, providing an additional source of damage for the team and increasing the team's overall damage output.
서브 DPS


성좌 6+

토마의 서브 DPS 빌드

잃어버린 낙원의 꽃
잃어버린 낙원의 꽃
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Energy Recharge
  • Elemental Mastery / HP%
  • Elemental Mastery / HP%
부가 스탯:
Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery / HP%
Thoma's shield provides a safe environment for the team and another important role is triggering Burgeon. The Elemental Burst of Thoma can make the active characters dealing an extra Pyro DMG during attacking, which is the trigger for Burgeon. When the shield is obtained or refreshed, Ayato's Normal Attacks deal an extra 15% Pyro DMG, which is the trigger for Burgeon. Thoma's Elemental Burst also has a Pyro element that reacts with the Dendro and Hydro elements of the team to produce more Dendro Cores and increase the damage output of the team. At C6, Thoma's Elemental Burst deals 30% more damage when the shield is obtained or refreshed, providing an additional source of damage for the team and increasing the team's overall damage output.

Ayato Pure Hydro Team (티어 S)

This team is focused on maximizing the damage output of Ayato, the Main DPS, through the use of Support's Artifacts and ATK SPD buff from Yun Jin. The team also relies on Kazuha to group enemies together, apply crowd control, provide DMG buff to teammates, and reduce Elemental Resistance of enemies. Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases the ATK of the whole team with the use of the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith. This team composition is perfect for players who want to focus on dealing maximum damage to enemies while also providing support to their teammates.

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato is the Main DPS in this team, after Kazuha reduces the enemies' Hydro resistance, then triggers Zhongli and Yun Jin's Artifact and switches back to Ayato's continuous Hydro attack. Ayato's Hydro DMG is maximized with the use of Support's Artifacts and ATK SPD buff from Yun Jin, making him a formidable force in battle. Ayato's attacks are also highly accurate, allowing him to take down enemies quickly and efficiently.
서브 DPS
카에데하라 카즈하

카에데하라 카즈하


카에데하라 카즈하의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Kazuha is a support character in this team that can assist by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff to teammates and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies. Kazuha's Elemental Skill,
서브 DPS



운근의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 DEF%
  • DEF%
  • DEF%
부가 스탯:
DEF% / DEF / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge
Yun Jin provides Normal ATK Bonus and Normal ATK SPD Bonus(C6) to Ayato, making him even more powerful in battle. Yun Jin's Elemental Skill,
서브 DPS



종려의 서브 DPS 빌드

견고한 천암
견고한 천암
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases the ATK of the whole team with the use of the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith. Zhongli's Elemental Skill,

Hydro-Pyro Vaporize Team (티어 S)

This team consists of Ayato and Hu Tao, who work together to maximize their Normal ATK DMG Output through Vaporization and ATK SPD buff from Yun Jin. Ayato's continuous Hydro attack reacts with the Pyro element on enemies applied by Hu Tao, while Hu Tao's DMG is amplified by Vaporization in this team. The team also includes Zhongli, who provides a safe environment for team members and increases their ATK with a full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato is the Main DPS in this team, whose continuous Hydro attack reacts with the Pyro element on enemies applied by Hu Tao. The Elemental Burst of Ayato can increase Attack SPD of Hu Tao. Ayato is shifted to Hu Tao when Elemental Skill is CD and just released his Elemental Burst
메인 DPS



호두의 메인 DPS 빌드

불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP% / Elemental Mastery
  • Pyro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Elemental Mastery / ATK%
Hu Tao is the main DPS in this team, whose DMG is amplified by the Vaporization in this team. Hu Tao is switched to Ayato when Elemental Skill is in CD
서브 DPS



운근의 서브 DPS 빌드

풍요로운 꿈의 껍데기
풍요로운 꿈의 껍데기
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 DEF%
  • DEF%
  • DEF%
부가 스탯:
DEF% / DEF / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge
Yun Jin provides Normal ATK Bonus and Normal ATK SPD Bonus(C6) to both Ayato and Hu Tao
서브 DPS



종려의 서브 DPS 빌드

견고한 천암
견고한 천암
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli provides a safe environment for team members and increases their ATK with a full set of Tenacity of the Millelith

Hydro-Pyro Vaporization Team 2 (티어 S)

This team focuses on utilizing the powerful combination of Hydro and Pyro elements to deal high damage to enemies. Ayato, the Main DPS of the team, maximizes Normal ATK DMG Output with Vaporization and ATK SPD buff from Yun Jin. Yoimiya, the main DPS, amplifies her DMG with Vaporization and switches to Ayato when Elemental Skill is on CD. Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases ATK with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato, the Main DPS of the team, deals continuous Hydro damage to enemies, which reacts with the Pyro element on enemies applied by Yoimiya. Ayato's Elemental Burst can also increase Attack SPD of Yoimiya. He is shifted to Yoimiya when Elemental Skill is on CD and just released his Elemental Burst. Ayato's Elemental Skill provides Normal ATK and Normal ATK SPD bonuses. His Elemental Burst can also increase Normal ATK DMG Output and Normal ATK SPD of teammates
메인 DPS



요이미야의 메인 DPS 빌드

추억의 시메나와
추억의 시메나와
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • ATK%
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Yoimiya, the main DPS of the team, amplifies her DMG with Vaporization. She is shifted to Ayato when Elemental Skill is on CD. Yoimiya's Elemental Skill provides Normal ATK and Normal ATK SPD bonuses. Her Elemental Burst can also increase Normal ATK DMG Output and Normal ATK SPD of teammates. Yoimiya's Elemental Skill also provides Normal ATK DMG buff to Ayato, which can be useful for maintaining high damage output
서브 DPS



운근의 서브 DPS 빌드

풍요로운 꿈의 껍데기
풍요로운 꿈의 껍데기
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 DEF%
  • DEF%
  • DEF%
부가 스탯:
DEF% / DEF / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge
Yun Jin provides Normal ATK and Normal ATK SPD bonuses to both Ayato and Yoimiya. Yun Jin's Elemental Skill provides Normal ATK and Normal ATK SPD bonuses. Yun Jin's Elemental Skill also provides Normal ATK DMG buff to Ayato and Yoimiya, which can be useful for maintaining high damage output
서브 DPS



종려의 서브 DPS 빌드

견고한 천암
견고한 천암
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Zhongli provides a safe environment for team members with his shield. He also increases ATK of the whole team by using the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith. Zhongli's Elemental Skill provides Normal ATK and Normal ATK SPD bonuses, which can be useful for maintaining high damage output

Ayato Permafrost Squad #1 (티어 S)

Ayato is the main DPS in this team. Ayaka uses her elemental burst and skill to deal damage and apply the cryo element to enemies. The cryo element reacts with the hydro element from Ayato and Kokomi, causing enemies to freeze. Kokomi also provides support and healing to the team with her elemental skill attacks, which trigger hydro every two seconds and increase the Tenacity of the Millelith (4).

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야카

카미사토 아야카


카미사토 아야카의 메인 DPS 빌드

얼음바람 속에서 길잃은 용사
얼음바람 속에서 길잃은 용사
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Cryo DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ayaka's elemental burst deals high damage and applies the cryo element to enemies, allowing them to be frozen by the hydro element from Ayato and Kokomi's elemental skill attacks. Ayaka's skill also increases the attack speed of Ayato, making him a powerful DPS in the team. Ayaka's elemental skill attacks trigger hydro every two seconds, increasing the Tenacity of the Millelith (4) and causing Ayaka to constantly freeze enemies in most of the fight time. Kazuha can also assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing damage buffs to teammates and reducing the elemental resistance of enemies. Kokomi is the support/healer in the team, and her elemental skill attacks trigger hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4).
메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayako's elemental burst deals high damage and provides the cryo element to enemies, allowing them to be frozen by the hydro element from Ayato and Kokomi's elemental skill attacks. Ayaka's skill also increases the attack speed of Ayato, making him a powerful DPS in the team. Ayako's elemental skill attacks trigger hydro every two seconds, increasing the Tenacity of the Millelith (4) and causing Ayako to constantly freeze enemies in most of the fight time. Kazuha can also assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing damage buffs to teammates and reducing the elemental resistance of enemies. Kokomi is the support/healer in the team, and her elemental skill attacks trigger hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4).
서브 DPS
카에데하라 카즈하

카에데하라 카즈하


카에데하라 카즈하의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Kazuha can assist the team by grouping enemies together, applying crowd control, providing damage buffs to teammates and reducing the elemental resistance of enemies. Kokomi is the support/healer in the team, and her elemental skill attacks trigger hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4).
산고노미야 코코미

산고노미야 코코미


산고노미야 코코미의 서포트 빌드

견고한 천암
견고한 천암
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • Hydro DMG
  • Healing Bonus
부가 스탯:
HP% / Energy Recharge / HP / ATK% / Elemental Mastery
Kokomi is the support/healer in the team, and her elemental skill attacks trigger hydro every two seconds, and each damage triggers the Tenacity of the Millelith(4).

Ayato Permafrost Team #2 (티어 S)

Ayato is the main DPS of this team, using his continuous hydro attack to trigger the permafrost reaction on enemies. Gangyu deals damage with her elemental burst and cryo reactions, and provides cryo attachments for Ayato to freeze enemies. Venti is a crowd control support, grouping enemies and spreading hydro attachment from Ayato to nearby enemies. Diona provides a safe environment for the team and is a battery for Ganyu's elemental burst. Together, this team is a formidable force in Genshin Impact's gameplay mechanics.

메인 DPS



감우의 메인 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
얼음바람 속에서 길잃은 용사
얼음바람 속에서 길잃은 용사
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Cryo DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Ganyu's elemental burst deals high damage and provides cryo attachments for triggering the permafrost reaction on enemies. Additionally, her cryo reactions can be used to apply cryo attachments to enemies, which can be used by Ayato to freeze enemies.
메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato is the main DPS of this team, using his continuous hydro attack to trigger the permafrost reaction on enemies. His elemental burst can also increase the attack speed of Ganyu, making her elemental burst more effective. Additionally, his cryo reactions can be used to apply cryo attachments to enemies, which can be used by Ganyu to trigger the permafrost reaction on enemies.
서브 DPS



벤티의 서브 DPS 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • ATK%
부가 스탯:
Venti's elemental burst can group enemies together and apply crowd control, making it easier for Ayato and Ganyu to trigger the permafrost reaction on enemies. Additionally, his elemental skill can be used to spread hydro attachment from Ayato to nearby enemies, further increasing the damage output of the team.
서브 DPS



디오나의 서브 DPS 빌드

사랑받는 소녀
사랑받는 소녀
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 HP%
  • HP%
  • HP%
부가 스탯:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge
Diona's shield provides a safe environment for the team, protecting them from incoming damage. Additionally, her elemental skill can be used to provide a battery for Ganyu's elemental burst, further increasing the damage output of the team.

Ayato Electro-Charged Team #2 (티어 A)

Ayato, a Main DPS in the team, deals continuous damage with his Hydro element. Pairing with Fischl and Beidou, Ayato's Hydro element reacts with Electro to trigger Electro-Charge, making this team a powerful force to be reckoned with.

메인 DPS
카미사토 아야토

카미사토 아야토


카미사토 아야토의 메인 DPS 빌드

님프의 꿈
님프의 꿈
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Hydro DMG
  • CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / HP% / Energy Recharge
Ayato, the Main DPS in the team, specializes in Hydro attacks. As he deals continuous damage, his Hydro element reacts with the Electro element applied by Fischl to trigger Electro-Charge on enemies.
서브 DPS



피슬의 서브 DPS 빌드

번개 같은 분노
번개 같은 분노
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Electro DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Fischl, a Anemo Support character, provides continuous Electro attachment with her Elemental Skill. This ability works well with Ayato's Hydro damage to trigger Electro-Charge, making Fischl a valuable addition to the team.
서브 DPS



북두의 서브 DPS 빌드

옛 왕실의 의식
옛 왕실의 의식
번개 같은 분노
번개 같은 분노
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • Electro DMG
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Beidou, an Electro Pyro DPS, provides Electro elemental attachment with her Elemental Burst. This ability works well with Ayato's Hydro damage to trigger Electro-Charge, making Beidou a powerful ally in this team.

성좌 2+

진의 서포트 빌드

청록색 그림자
청록색 그림자
주요 스탯:
  • 모래 ATK%
  • ATK%
  • Healing Bonus
부가 스탯:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Jean, a Geo Support character, acts as a healer and applies a Spread element to enemies. With Jean's C2, all characters in the team will gain a 15% increase in attack speed, making the team even more formidable.