Hướng Dẫn Đội Hình Tốt Nhất cho Kamisato Ayato trong Genshin Impact

Kamisato Ayato

Ayato Team Overview: This page provides the best Ayato team information. Ayato is a DPS character and his DPS build is used in most situations. You can swap the positions of Ayato and Xingqiu to create your own optimal team. From SS tier to S tier, Ayato's best team can be formed in various ways, including Vaporize, Permafrost, and Melt teams. Choose the best team according to your build and character.

Tóm Tắt Đội Hình Kamisato Ayato

Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Echoes of Bloom

Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Pyro Bloom Brigade

Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Hydro Fusion Squad

Kamisato Ayato
Kaedehara Kazuha
Yun Jin
Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Vaporous Fusion

Kamisato Ayato
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Vaporous Fusion

Kamisato Ayato
Yun Jin
Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Ayato's Frozen Blade Squad #1

Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Kaedehara Kazuha
Sangonomiya Kokomi
Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Ayato and Ganyu's Hydro-Cryo Team

Kamisato Ayato
Xếp Hạng Đội: A

Ayato's Electro-Charged Surge

Xếp Hạng Đội: S

Hydro-Enhanced Ayato Team #2

#1 Echoes of Bloom

Hạng S

A dynamic team that harnesses the power of elemental reactions to unleash devastating attacks and heal its members. Led by Ayato, the team combines Hydro and Dendro elements to trigger Bloom, while Kuki's Electro skills amplify the damage. Nahida's Elemental Skill and Burst support the team's damage output, and Kazuha's crowd control and buffs keep the enemies at bay.

#2 Pyro Bloom Brigade

Hạng S

A dynamic team that combines Pyro and Dendro elements to unleash a burst of damage and reactions. With Thoma's shield and Nahida's elemental skills, this team is capable of dealing massive damage and triggering powerful elemental reactions.

#3 Hydro Fusion Squad

Hạng S

Một đội ngũ cân bằng tốt tận dụng điểm mạnh của các thành viên để tung ra một cuộc tấn công thủy lực mạnh mẽ.

#4 Vaporous Fusion

Hạng S

Một đội có khả năng gây sát thương cao, tận dụng sự tương tác giữa các yếu tố Pyro và Hydro để tung ra các đòn tấn công hủy diệt.

#5 Vaporous Fusion

Hạng S

A high-damage team that leverages the power of Vaporization to amplify its attacks, while also providing a safe and supportive environment for its members.

#6 Ayato's Frozen Blade Squad #1

Hạng S

This team excels in Cryo and Hydro reactions, with Ayato as the primary damage dealer. Ayaka's Cryo Burst and Skill complement Ayato's Hydro attacks, causing enemies to freeze. Kazuha enhances the team with crowd control, damage buffs, and resistance reduction. Kokomi, the support healer, ensures constant freezing with her Hydro Skill and team buffs.

#7 Ayato and Ganyu's Hydro-Cryo Team

Hạng S

This team excels in dealing high damage and controlling the battlefield. Ayato, the Main DPS, utilizes his continuous Hydro attacks that react with the Cryo element applied by Ganyu, creating powerful elemental reactions. Ganyu's Elemental Burst deals massive Cryo damage and triggers freezing, while also benefiting from Ayato's Elemental Burst, which increases her attack speed.

#8 Ayato's Electro-Charged Surge

Hạng A

Ayato leads this team, dealing Hydro damage that interacts with Electro from Fischl and Beidou to trigger Electro-Charge reactions. This team focuses on consistent damage and crowd control, with Jean providing healing and support.

#9 Hydro-Enhanced Ayato Team #2

Hạng S

This team is built around Ayato as the primary damage dealer, with Yun Jin and Jean providing attack speed and resistance shredding buffs. Furina's elemental burst increases damage based on the health of her allies, making her a valuable addition to the team.