원신의 키라라 최고 팀 가이드

Kirara Team Overview: This Page provides the best Kirara Team information. Kirara serves as a Shield/Support in most situations. From SS tier to A tier, Kirara's best team can be formed in various configurations including Catalyze, Bloom, Spread, Aggravate, Burgeon, and Hyperbloom teams. You can choose your own best team according to your build and character.Sub DPS: NahidaNahida DPS BuildArtifacts: Deepwood Memories (4) Main Stats: Sand–Elemental Mastery/Goblet–Elemental Mastery/Circlet–Elemental Mastery Sub Stats: Elemental Mastery > Energy Recharge > CRIT DMG > CRIT RATE > ATK%Best 5 Stars Weapon: A Thousand Floating Dreams Best 4 Stars Weapon: Wandering EvenstarNahida primarily deals damage through her Elemental Skill, which can connect up to 8 enemies and deal Dendro damage while triggering elemental reactions. Her Elemental Burst enhances her Elemental Skill based on the elements of her teammates. With the help of Ayato, who can provide Hydro, Blooming can be triggered. The presence of Electro and Hydro characters in the team reduces the Tri-Karma Purification trigger interval and increases its duration.Healer: BarbaraArtifacts: Ocean-Hued Clam (4) Main Stats: Sand–Max HP%/Goblet–Max HP%/Circlet–Healing Bonus Sub Stats: HP% > Energy Recharge > HP > ATK% > Elemental MasteryBest 5 Stars Weapon: Everlasting Moonglow Best 4 Stars Weapon: Prototype AmberBarbara’s Elemental Skill provides continuous healing to team members and applies Hydro to enemies, enhancing team synergy.Sub DPS: Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun Support BuildArtifacts: Gilded Dreams (4) Main Stats: Sand–Mastery/Goblet–Mastery/Circlet–Mastery Sub Stats: Mastery > Energy Recharge% > ATK%Artifacts: Flower of Paradise Lost (4) Main Stats: Sand–ATK%/Goblet–Hydro DMG/Circlet–CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG Sub Stats: CRIT DMG > CRIT RATE > ATK% > HP% > Energy Recharge%Best 4 Stars Weapon: Dragon’s BaneRaiden Shogun acts as a Sub DPS, providing Electro off-field to trigger Spreading reactions.Main DPS: NahidaNahida DPS BuildArtifacts: Deepwood Memories (4) Main Stats: Sand–Elemental Mastery/Goblet–Elemental Mastery/Circlet–CRIT RATE or CRIT DMG Sub Stats: CRIT DMG > CRIT RATE > Elemental Mastery > ATK% > Energy Recharge%Best 5 Stars Weapon: A Thousand Floating Dreams Best 4 Stars Weapon: Solar PearlNahida primarily deals damage through her Elemental Skill, which can connect up to 8 enemies and deal Dendro damage while triggering elemental reactions. Her Elemental Burst enhances her Elemental Skill based on the elements of her teammates. With the help of Yae, who can provide Electro even off-field, Aggravate can be triggered to maximize overall damage. The presence of Electro characters in the team reduces the Tri-Karma Purification trigger interval.Sub DPS: Fischl (C6)Fischl DPS BuildArtifacts: Thundering Fury (4) Main Stats: Sand–ATK%/Goblet–Electro DMG/Circlet–CRIT DMG Sub Stats: CRIT DMG > CRIT RATE > Energy Recharge% > ATK%Best 5 Stars Weapon: Aqua Simulacra Best 4 Stars Weapon: The StringlessFischl’s Elemental Skill provides continuous Electro application off-field, which works with Nahida and Kirara to trigger Aggravate. C6 Fischl significantly enhances team performance.Support: KazuhaKazuha DPS BuildArtifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4) Main Stats: Sand–Mastery/Goblet–Mastery/Circlet–Mastery Sub Stats: Elemental Mastery > CRIT DMG > CRIT RATE > ATK%Best 5 Stars Weapon: Freedom-Sworn Best 4 Stars Weapon: Iron StingKazuha assists the team by grouping enemies, applying crowd control, providing damage buffs to teammates, and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies.
키라라 팀 요약
#1 Kirara Hyperbloom Team #1
키라라는 팀의 지원/방패입니다. 팀은 주로 하이퍼블루밍을 통해 대미지를 주입니다.
나히다의 원소 스킬은 최대 8명의 적을 연결하고, 그들에게 덴드로 DMG를 주며 원소 반응을 트리거합니다. 나히다의 원소 Burst는 팀원들의 원소에 따라 나히다의 원소 스킬을 강화합니다.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯
원소 마스터리 / 원소 충전 효율 / 치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 공격력%
Kuki's is a Healer and her more important role in this team is to trigger Hyperbloom by using Electro Skill to activate the cores.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯
원소 마스터리 / HP% / HP% / 원소 충전 효율
#2 Kirara Bloom Team #1
팀은 Nilou의 패시브 스킬이 트리거하는 특수한 부丰한 코어가 발현되어 DMG를 강화하는 방식으로 DMG를 주로 처리합니다.
Nahida mainly deals DMG by her Elemental Skill, connecting to 8 enemies and dealing Dendro DMG while triggering elemental reactions. Her Elemental Burst buffs her Elemental Skill based on the elements of her teammates.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯
치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 원소 마스터리 / 공격력% / 원소 충전 효율
Barbara’s Elemental Skill can heal other members and continuously apply the Hydro element to enemies.
#3 Kirara Spread Team
키라라는 팀의 방패/지원입니다. 키라라의 스프레딩은 알하이탐과 나히다의 덴드로 원소와 레이덴 쇼군의 전기 원소에서 트리거됩니다.
Alhaitham is the Main DPS in the team. Alhaitham’s Elemental Skill infuses his attacks with Dendro Element. Both Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst generate Chisel-Light Mirror. When Alhaitham is possessing Chisel-Light Mirror and his Attack hits opponents, an AoE Dendro Projectile Attack is unleashed and the DMG based on the number of Chisel-Light Mirror existing. The Elemental Burst of Alhaitham deals AoE Dendro DMG based on the number of Chisel-Light Mirror existing. With the aid of Raiden Shogun which can provide Electro Element even off-field, Spreading can be triggered to maximize overall DMG.
Nahida mainly deals DMG by her Elemental Skill, which connects up to 8 enemies at maximum and deals Dendro DMG to them while triggering elemental reactions. The Elemental Burst of Nahida buffs her Elemental Skill depending on the Element of teammates. With the aid of Raiden Shogun which can provide Electro Element even off-field, Spreading can be triggered to maximize overall DMG. As there is an Electro Character in this team, the Tri-Karma Purification trigger interval is reduced.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯
원소 마스터리 / 원소 충전 효율 / 치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 공격력%
#4 Kirara Aggravate Team #1
키라라는 팀의 방패/지원 역할을 합니다. Dendro Element는 **나히다**와 **키라라**에서, 전기 Element는 **야에**에서 발생하여 *Aggravate*가 활성화됩니다.
Nahida mainly deals DMG with her Elemental Skill, connecting up to 8 enemies and dealing Dendro DMG while triggering elemental reactions.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯
치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 원소 마스터리 / 공격력% / 원소 충전 효율
Kazuha assists the team by grouping enemies, applying crowd control, providing DMG buff and reducing Elemental Resistance of enemies.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯
원소 마스터리 / 치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 공격력%
#5 Kirara Aggravate Team #2
키라라가 팀의 방패/서포트입니다. Dendro 요소는 나히다와 키라라에서, Electro 요소는 케이킹과 피쉬를에서 트리거됩니다.
Keqing mainly uses multi-stage attacks to trigger Aggravate. Keqing and Fischl activate the elemental resonance effect, which allows the elemental burst of the teammatesto be used more frequently.
#6 Kirara Aggravate Team
키라라는 지원입니다. 세토스의 전기 대미지는 악화에 의해 최대화됩니다.
세토스의 패시브 스킬은 충전 시간을 줄여 빠른 충전 공격을 가능하게 합니다. 그의 전기 원소는 격화 효과를 유발하여 추가 피해를 발생시킵니다.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Electro DMG
- 원 CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
부가 스탯
치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 원소 마스터리 / 공격력% / 원소 충전 효율
카즈하가 팀을 지원할 수 있는 방법은 적들을 모으고, 군중 컨트롤을 적용하고, 동료에게 DMG 버프를 제공하며 적의 원소 저항력을 낮추는 것입니다.
주요 스탯
- 모래 Elemental Mastery
- 잔 Elemental Mastery
- 원 Elemental Mastery
부가 스탯
원소 마스터리 / 치명타 피해 / 치명타 확률 / 공격력%