Rarity: Rank
Element: 電屬性
House: 刑偵特勤組
Type: 防護
This build allows Seth to increase the DMG dealt by other allies after he uses a Chain Attack. Seth needs Energy Regen to frequently use his EX Special Attack and ATK stats to boost his shield.
Seth can have his Additional Ability activated by Anby since the latter is an Electric unit. For your DPS, you can use Billy to activate his and Anby's Core Skill.
Seth works well with Anomaly units since his shields can provide an Anomaly Proficiency buff, which increases the Attribute Anomaly DMG. Do note that he needs to be slotted after your Main Anomaly since the Quick Assist from Seth will tag in the previous character.
Skill | Priority | Explanation |
core skill | Seth's Core Skill will increase his shield and Anomaly Proficiency buff, so max this out as soon as you can. Upgrading his Core Skill will also increase his Base Energy Regen and Base ATK. | |
assist | Seth's Assist can be upgraded since his Defensive Assist can deal a decent amount of Daze. Upgrading his Assist will also increase his Resolve gain and provide additional benefits. | |
special attack | Upgrading Seth's Special Attack simply increases the DMG and daze. His EX Special Attack: Thunder Shield Rush - High Voltage will also deal massive Electric DMG and provide additional benefits. | |
chain attack | You can also upgrade Seth's Chain Attack since it does deal a decent amount of damage to the enemy. His Ultimate - Justice Prevails will also deal massive Electric DMG and provide additional benefits. | |
basic attack | Seth doesn't need to do damage with his Basic Attack, so this can be ignored. However, if Seth has his M6 unlocked, you can consider upgrading this to deal a massive amount of DMG. | |
dodge | Seth doesn't use his Dash Attack or Dodge Counter that often, so you can skip out on upgrading his Dodge. |
點按 發動: 向前方進行至多四段的攻擊,造成物理傷害和電屬性傷害。
[意氣]大於等於75%時,長按 發動: 消耗75%[意氣]向前方發動持續攻擊,隨後發動終結一擊,造成電屬性傷害。 終結一擊命中敵人時,將觸發隊伍中上一位角色的[快速支援]。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升。
點按 發動: 向前方發動兩次盾擊,造成電屬性傷害。 招式發動期間抗打斷等級提升。
能量足夠時,點按 發動: 向前方發動連續斬擊,造成大量電屬性傷害。 長按 可以進行蓄力,蓄力完成後賽斯將向前方突進,發動高量級的連續斬擊,造成大量電屬性傷害。 招式發動時,會為自身累積75%[意氣]。 招式蓄力期間抗打斷等級提升,受到的傷害降低40%。 連續斬擊期間擁有無敵效果。
點按 發動: 快速地衝刺閃避。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
閃避時,點按 發動: 向前方進行盾衝攻擊,造成物理傷害。 招式發動期間受到的傷害降低40%。
觸發[極限閃避]後,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動快速的下砸斬擊,造成電屬性傷害。 招式發動後,長按 銜接[強化特殊技:電光盾衝-高伏特]時,能夠以更快的速度完成蓄力。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
觸發[連攜技]時,選擇對應角色發動: 向前方進行連續斬擊,造成大量電屬性傷害。 招式發動時,會為自身累積75%[意氣]。 招式發動後,長按 銜接[強化特殊技:電光盾衝-高伏特]時,能夠以更快的速度完成蓄力。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
喧響等級達到[極]時,點按 發動: 向前方進行連續上挑攻擊,隨後發動終結一擊,造成大量電屬性傷害。 招式發動時,會為自身累積75%[意氣],額外回復3點支援點數。 招式發動後,長按 銜接[強化特殊技:電光盾衝-高伏特]時,能夠以更快的速度完成蓄力。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色被擊飛時,點按 發動: 對前方敵人發動快速的下砸斬擊,造成電屬性傷害。 招式發動後,長按 銜接[強化特殊技:電光盾衝-高伏特]時,能夠以更快的速度完成蓄力。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
前場角色即將被攻擊時,點按 發動: 招架敵人的攻擊,累積大量失衡值。 招式發動時,會為自身累積25%[意氣]。 具有較為優秀的招架效能,承受高強度攻擊時[支援點數]的消耗量降低; 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。
發動[招架支援]後,點按 發動: 向前方發動突刺攻擊,隨後進行兩次橫掃斬擊,造成電屬性傷害。 招式命中敵人時,將觸發隊伍中上一位角色的[快速支援]。 招式發動後,長按 銜接[強化特殊技:電光盾衝-高伏特]時,能夠以更快的速度完成蓄力。 招式發動期間擁有無敵效果。