Builds para Baizhu en Genshin Impact
Mejores Builds Baizhu
Configuración de SUPPORT
Estadísticas Primarias Recomendadas
Vida% / Recarga de Energía
Vida% / Bono de Curación
Prioridad de subestadísticas
When using Baizhu's Elemental Skill, consider the 2-3 second delay between cast time and heal received. This is crucial when swapping to low HP allies after Baizhu's rotation, as it may affect the overall healing and support strategy.
To maximize Baizhu's healing potential, keep the following in mind:
- Monitor ally HP levels closely to ensure timely healing and support.
- Plan Baizhu's rotation and Elemental Skill usage accordingly, taking into account the 2-3 second delay.
- Adjust team composition and rotation as needed to optimize Baizhu's healing and support capabilities.
Prioridad de talentos
Baizhu provides teamwide healing through the use of his Elemental Skill, and heals the active character from his Burst. The shields generated from his Burst should be considered as interrupt resistance as opposed to a reliable form of damage mitigation for non-Bloom reaction related damage sources. Due to being a Dendro catalyst, Baizhu can work effectively in a large range of different Dendro team archetypes.
Hakushin Ring: This weapon is best used in Quicken teams when Baizhu is able to provide reasonable uptime on the buff.
Prototype Amber: In addition to the amount of flat energy generation for the user, this weapon can provide significant team-wide healing when used in conjunction with Healing Bonus. It is a great option when using Baizhu with Furina for building Fanfare points from the second rotation onwards.
Favonius Codex: Try to build some Crit Rate when using this weapon in order to trigger the passive effect more consistently.
A Thousand Floating Dreams: This weapon can be considered in certain teams for the modest Elemental Mastery team buff it provides, though there are generally better uses for it.
Artifact Sets:
- Deepwood Memories (4): Under AoE situations, it may be better for another party member to hold this set as Baizhu has lackluster AoE.
- Instructor (4): The Elemental Mastery gained from this set outweighs the reduction in A4 passive bonus from lower main stat values.
- Noblesse Oblige (4): In teams that benefit from ATK%, this set can be run over Instructor (4) if the additional sustain from higher HP values is preferred.
Artifact Stats: While generally in teams that can benefit from Baizhu's Ascension 4 passive you want to build high HP (up to 50k) to maximize the buff it can provide, Healing Bonus circlet can be considered over HP% in teams where having more healing would be valuable. For example, using Healing Bonus circlet can allow for building Fanfare points faster when using Baizhu with Furina, moreover Healing Bonus circlet synergizes well with Prototype Amber's passive.
Configuración más utilizada por la Comunidad
Mejores equipos Baizhu
Habilidades Baizhu
Talento pasivo
Cinco elementos de la fortuna
Fase de Ascensión 1
·Cuando la Vida de dicho personaje es inferior al 50%, Baizhu obtiene un 20% de Bono de Curación.
·Cuando la Vida de tu personaje en uso es superior o igual al 50%, Baizhu obtiene un 25% de Bono de Daño Dendro.
Madre tierra
Fase de Ascensión 4
Nutrición vegetal
Cuidados intensivos
Constelación Nv. 1
Discernimiento maestro
Constelación Nv. 2
Tras ejecutar un ataque como máximo, este espíritu regresa, inflige un Daño Dendro equivalente al 250% del ATQ de Baizhu y cura un 20% de lo que curaría el espíritu sérico creado mediante Diagnóstico universal.
El daño infligido de esta manera se considera daño de Habilidad Elemental.
Este efecto solo puede activarse una vez cada 5 s.
Homeostasis omnímoda
Constelación Nv. 3
Puede ser aumentado hasta Niv. 15.
Contemplación atávica
Constelación Nv. 4
Síntomas variables
Constelación Nv. 5
Puede ser aumentado hasta Niv. 15.
Disipación del chi maligno
Constelación Nv. 6
Además, cuando el espíritu sérico o el espíritu sérico cercenador golpea a un enemigo, hay un 100% de probabilidad de crear un escudo incólume de Sanación holística. Cada espíritu sérico o espíritu sérico cercenador solo puede activar este efecto una vez.
Materiales de Ascensión
Pedacito de esmeralda nagadus
Campanita de cristal
Espora fúngica
Fragmento de esmeralda nagadus
Aro sombrioeterno
Campanita de cristal
Espora fúngica
Fragmento de esmeralda nagadus
Aro sombrioeterno
Campanita de cristal
Polen fluorescente
Trozo de esmeralda nagadus
Aro sombrioeterno
Campanita de cristal
Polen fluorescente
Trozo de esmeralda nagadus
Aro sombrioeterno
Campanita de cristal
Polvo quistecristalino
Esmeralda nagadus
Aro sombrioeterno
Campanita de cristal
Polvo quistecristalino
Materiales de Talentos
Enseñanzas del oro
Espora fúngica
Guía del oro
Polen fluorescente
Guía del oro
Polen fluorescente
Guía del oro
Polen fluorescente
Guía del oro
Polen fluorescente
Filosofía del oro
Polvo quistecristalino
Helecho del paraíso exuberante
Filosofía del oro
Polvo quistecristalino
Helecho del paraíso exuberante
Filosofía del oro
Polvo quistecristalino
Helecho del paraíso exuberante
Filosofía del oro
Polvo quistecristalino
Helecho del paraíso exuberante
Corona de la sabiduría