Genshin Impact 시그윈 빌드

최고의 시그윈 빌드

권장 기본 통계
HP% / 치명타 확률
하위 통계 우선 순위
At C1, Sigewinne instead gains 19 Convalescence stacks.
This change affects Sigewinne's overall healing and support capabilities in the team.
To maximize Sigewinne's potential, consider the following:
- Pair Sigewinne with characters that can trigger Elemental Reactions and Bursts to increase Convalescence stack gain.
- Use Sigewinne in a team composition that includes characters with high Energy Recharge (ER) to maintain consistent Burst usage.
- Farm Ascension Materials and Experience in Spiral Abyss or Domain of Mastery to level up Sigewinne and increase her Convalescence stack gain.
재능 우선
Sigewinne is a support character who focuses on teamwide healing with her Elemental Skill. Like Neuvillette and Hydro Traveler, she can also create Sourcewater Droplets. Absorbing these Sourcewater Droplets grant her a Bond of Life, and clearing this Bond of Life can give herself and her team Energy. Her A1 talent grants her 10 Stacks of Convalescence upon skill cast, which buffs off-field skill damage, and a stack is consumed whenever a team member does off-field skill damage. Sigewinne cannot consume these stacks herself. She's best played in a team with Furina.
Weapon Choices:
- Favonius Warbow: This weapon will place higher if the team values and needs Energy. With this weapon, you want to build a little bit of Crit Rate to help proc the passive. It is unnecessary to level this weapon if you are not planning to use Sigewinne's Elemental Burst.
- Elegy for the End: While the Energy Recharge from this weapon is unnecessary for this build, the passive can make it an effective choice in some teams. It is also not needed to level this weapon if you are not going to use Sigewinne's Elemental Burst.
Team Composition:
- Sigewinne is best played in a team with Furina.
Farming Locations:
- No specific farming locations are mentioned for Sigewinne.
커뮤니티에서 가장 많이 사용된 빌드

최고의 시그윈 팀
시그윈 스킬

수동적인 재능

적당한 휴식은 필수
승천 단계 1

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긴급 투약

「가장 즐거운 정령이여 초조함을 풀어주소서」
별자리 Lv. 1
고유 특성 「적당한 휴식은 필수」 효과가 증가한다: 치료 방울이 튕길 시, 시그윈에게 진정 카운트를 1스택 부여한다. 또한 진정 카운트로 얻는 피해 증가량이 변경된다: 30000pt를 초과한 시그윈의 HP 최대치를 기반으로, 1000pt마다 피해가 100pt 증가한다. 해당 방식으로 이번 원소전투 스킬이 주는 피해가 최대 3500pt 증가한다. 해당 효과는 고유 특성 「적당한 휴식은 필수」를 해금해야 한다

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