
Hướng Dẫn Đội Hình Tốt Nhất cho Qiqi trong Genshin Impact


Qiqi Team Overview: Discover the best Qiqi team builds and strategies for different playstyles and team compositions. Qiqi can be used as a Healer in most situations, with Permafrost and Superconduct being popular team dynamics. Build and character preferences can be adjusted to create your own ideal Qiqi team.

Qiqi Superconduct Team #1 (Hạng B)

A powerful team composition that focuses on utilizing Qiqi's healing abilities and Razor's damage amplification through Superconduct. Sucrose provides crowd control, DMG buffs, and reduces Elemental Resistance while Zhongli's shield offers protection and enhances the team's ATK with the use of the full Tenacity of the Millelith set.

DPS Chính



Bản Dựng Razor DPS Chính

Phụ Kiện
Bóng Hình Màu Xanh
Bóng Hình Màu Xanh
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát ATK%
  • Cốc ATK%
  • Vòng CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
The main DPS of the team, Razor (C4) is a powerful Pyro character that uses his Elemental Skill to hit enemies and reduce their defense. This allows the team to quickly clear out enemies and focus on dealing damage to the boss.



Bản Dựng Sucrose DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Bóng Hình Màu Xanh
Bóng Hình Màu Xanh
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát Elemental Mastery
  • Cốc Elemental Mastery
  • Vòng Elemental Mastery
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
Elemental Mastery / CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Sucrose is a versatile character that can assist the team in various ways. She uses her Elemental Skill to group enemies together and apply crowd control, providing DMG buffs to teammates and reducing the Elemental Resistance of enemies. This makes her a valuable addition to the team and helps to ensure that everyone stays safe and effective.
Hỗ Trợ



Bản Dựng Qiqi Hỗ Trợ

Phụ Kiện
Xà Cừ Đại Dương
Xà Cừ Đại Dương
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát Energy Recharge
  • Cốc ATK%
  • Vòng Healing Bonus
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / HP%
Qiqi is the team's healer, and her Elemental Skill provides healing to other members of the team and attaches the Cryo element to enemies continuously. This allows the team to keep fighting and dealing damage without worrying about running out of health or being overwhelmed by enemies.



Bản Dựng Zhongli DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Thiên Nham Vững Chắc
Thiên Nham Vững Chắc
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát HP%
  • Cốc HP%
  • Vòng HP%
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge / DEF%
Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for the team to operate in, and his use of the full Tenacity of the Millelith set increases the ATK of the entire team. This allows the team to deal more damage and clear out enemies more quickly, making them a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Qiqi Superconduct Team #2 (Hạng B)

In this team, Qiqi plays the role of a healer, while Eula's Elemental Burst is maximized by the Superconduct element. The team's composition includes Eula, who is the main DPS in the team, Raiden Shogun, who serves as a support, and Beidoul, who provides additional Electro DMG to the team. Together, the team's goal is to maximize Eula's Elemental Burst damage and provide support to the other members of the team during battles.

DPS Chính



Bản Dựng Eula DPS Chính

Phụ Kiện
Lửa Trắng Xám
Lửa Trắng Xám
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát ATK%
  • Cốc Physical DMG
  • Vòng CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Eula is the main DPS in this team and her Elemental Burst is the core of the team's strategy. The Superconduct element is used to maximize her Elemental Burst damage, and ATK Bonus from Bennet and Set Bonus of Noblesse Oblige are used to further enhance her damage output. Eula's Elemental Burst can also deal significant damage to enemies, which works well in combination with the other team members' abilities.
Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun


Bản Dựng Raiden Shogun DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Dấu Ấn Ngăn Cách
Dấu Ấn Ngăn Cách
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát Energy Recharge / ATK%
  • Cốc ATK%
  • Vòng CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Raiden Shogun serves as a support in this team, providing Electro attachment for triggering Superconduct on enemies. This allows the team to maximize Eula's Elemental Burst damage and deal additional DMG on the field when Eula is on cooldown. Raiden Shogun can also boost the Energy Recharge of their teammates by using their Elemental Burst and increase the damage of their teammates' Elemental Burst by using their Elemental Skill. This makes her a valuable addition to the team and helps to ensure that the team's strategy is executed effectively.
Hỗ Trợ



Bản Dựng Qiqi Hỗ Trợ

Phụ Kiện
Xà Cừ Đại Dương
Xà Cừ Đại Dương
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát Energy Recharge
  • Cốc ATK%
  • Vòng Healing Bonus
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
ATK% / Energy Recharge / HP%
Qiqi's Elemental Skill can heal other members of the team and attach the Cryo element to enemies. This helps to keep the team's health up and provides additional damage to enemies. Qiqi's Elemental Skill can also be used in combination with the Superconduct element to further enhance the team's damage output.



Bản Dựng Beidou DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Như Sấm Thịnh Nộ
Như Sấm Thịnh Nộ
Nghi Thức Tông Thất Cổ
Nghi Thức Tông Thất Cổ
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát ATK%
  • Cốc Electro DMG
  • Vòng CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Beidoul's Elemental Burst can provide continuous Electro DMG even at the backstage, which works well with Cryo-infused Attacks of Eula to trigger Superconduct. This allows the team to deal damage to enemies even when they are not directly engaging in battle. Beidoul's Elemental Burst can also boost the Energy Recharge of their teammates and increase the damage of the team's Elemental Burst by using their Elemental Skill, making them a valuable addition to the team.

Qiqi Superconduct Team (Hạng C)

Qiqi is the main DPS of this team, and her Cryo DMG reacts with Fischl's Electro attachment to trigger the Superconduct reaction. This team is well-suited for exploring the world safely and effectively. The team is versatile and can adapt to changing situations in combat. With Oz providing continuous Electro attachment from the backstage, Qiqi's Superconduct can be triggered even when she is not at the forefront. Ningguang and Zhongli pair up to increase Qiqi's ATK on the field, and Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for the team members, while also increasing the ATK of the whole team with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.

DPS Chính



Bản Dựng Qiqi DPS Chính

Phụ Kiện
Xà Cừ Đại Dương
Xà Cừ Đại Dương
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát ATK%
  • Cốc Cryo DMG
  • Vòng CRIT DMG
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Qiqi is the main DPS of this team, and her Cryo DMG reacts with Fischl's Electro attachment to trigger the Superconduct reaction. She is a versatile character who can adapt to changing situations in combat. Qiqi's healing abilities also make her a valuable member of the team, allowing her to keep her teammates alive and on the field for longer periods of time. With Oz providing continuous Electro attachment from the backstage, Qiqi's Superconduct can be triggered even when she is not at the forefront. Ningguang and Zhongli pair up to increase Qiqi's ATK on the field, and Zhongli's shield provides a safe environment for the team members, while also increasing the ATK of the whole team with the full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.



Bản Dựng Fischl DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Dấu Ấn Ngăn Cách
Dấu Ấn Ngăn Cách
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát ATK%
  • Cốc Electro DMG
  • Vòng CRIT DMG
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Oz is a support character in this team, and he provides continuous Electro attachment from the backstage, which works with Qiqi to trigger Superconduct. He is a valuable member of the team, as his Electro attack can provide additional damage and support to the team. Oz is also a skilled healer, making him a valuable asset in combat situations. With his Electro attacks, Oz can also provide additional crowd control and support to the team, making him a versatile character who can adapt to changing situations in combat.



Bản Dựng Ningguang DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Giáo Quan
Giáo Quan
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát HP%
  • Cốc HP%
  • Vòng HP%
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge / DEF%
Ningguang is a DPS character in this team, and she pairs with Zhongli to trigger resonance, increasing Qiqi's ATK on the field. She is a skilled warrior, with powerful attacks and high damage output. Ningguang also has a variety of skills and abilities that make her a valuable member of the team, including her ability to provide crowd control and support to the team. With her powerful attacks, Ningguang can provide additional damage and support to the team, making her a valuable asset in combat situations.



Bản Dựng Zhongli DPS Phụ

Phụ Kiện
Thiên Nham Vững Chắc
Thiên Nham Vững Chắc
Thuộc Tính Chính:
  • Cát HP%
  • Cốc HP%
  • Vòng HP%
Thuộc Tính Phụ:
HP% / HP / Energy Recharge / DEF%
Zhongli is a support character in this team, and he pairs with Ningguang to trigger resonance, increasing Qiqi's ATK on the field. He is a skilled healer, with powerful healing abilities that can keep the team alive and on the field for longer periods of time. Zhongli also has a variety of skills and abilities that make him a valuable member of the team, including his ability to provide crowd control and support to the team. With his powerful healing abilities, Zhongli can also provide additional support to the team, making him a versatile character who can adapt to changing situations in combat.